
A guy i like always stares at me but...?

by  |  earlier

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...he has a gf does that means he sort of likes me?

I found him staring at me, but I felt embarrassed and quickly looked away.

I feel as though he's been avoiding me since...

wouldn't blame him though, i get nervous and embarrassed NOW!




  1. become his friend go talk to him if he's anything like me he'd like that

  2. What is it with guys who like girls but have girlfriends?

    I don't know... he must like you...

    He may be avoiding you because he has a girlfriend and feels wrong about the whole thing... He might have mixed feelings...I think thats what. Hope this helps.

    Please answer mine:

  3. Maybe he's really embrassed!

    Try to talk to him, if your too embrassed then just join in with someone else when theyre talking to him, Just kinda slip into the conversation.

    Goodluck x

  4. If he has a gf he probably would not want to date you right now. But if he was looking at you, he probably thinks you are cute so you should talk to him if you like him.

  5. Go for it, just snatch from the female he's with...No need to be shy

  6. he obviously like you but it depends on you.. do you want to wait for him until he breaks up with his girlfriend to be with you?

    i've been through this before, except that the guy who stared at me a lot, didn't tell me anything about his girlfriend until we went out on a date.

    he felt guilty and i believed him but.. it's just really hectic. i was really upset. now he's trying to be friends..

    you should leave him alone... maybe one day when you're both single, you can be together.  

  7. well when i like a girl,

    i look at them alot but try and not stare because they may know i like them and it would be embarressing if they found out or got suscpicious haha

    he may just be looking at you if he thinks your good looking but doesn't neceessarily like you as such. When i like a girl i try and look in their general direction but sometimes not straight at them so it looks like im looking at something else haha

    try and talk to him as friends, just not excessively as it annoys most guys and just have a good time with him

    and because he has a girlfriend nothing may happen between you two

    but good friends is better then no interaction at all

    good luck :)

  8. he might, but if he has a gf he is off limits.

    answer mine?;...

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