
A guy keeps apearing in my dreams?

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there is this guy who i have no idea who he is keeps apearing in almost all my dreams most the time he saves me from something he looks my age(18) kinda cute but never talks




  1. maybe u would meet him in da future or something like that.

  2. Every person or entity that you encounter in your dreams is really a part of yourself.  Therefore, the guy is you, or a part of your own persona.

  3. In my teens, I would frequently dream about a brown-haired girl, despite always being a sucker for blondes.

    There was never any kind of sexual element to these dreams (unusual for an adolescent male ^_^ ). Instead, she would simply hold me in her arms to, I suppose, make me feel loved.

    In 2004, aged sixteen, I finally met her. We've been both lovers and best friends ever since.

    I have my fingers crossed for you.

  4. Maybe he is your undiscovered dream guy.

  5. awwww how romantic maybe hes your dream guy keep a look out expessialy at the grocery store thats were all the cute ones are ahahaha jkjk

    maybe you dreamed about him one day and thenin you dreams the next days you are thinking about the dream before and your like forcing yourself to dream about him butt thats  wierd!!!!

  6. next time you hjave this dream try to concentrate on his face and his body and what he is doing it could be someone you see but don't look at.

  7. Maybe he is your true love in the future?

  8. Do you have a sibling that passed to spirit? Did your mother perhaps have a miscarriage, just before or just after you, or indeed were you going to be one of twins?  It sounds like a loved one making himself known to you. If not a sibling a guide letting you know through dreams that you are never alone, no matter what happens.

  9. WOW mystery dream guy

  10. its me

  11. Your probably gonna run into him later on somewhere. I believe that he is the guy you will spend the rest of your days with.

    OR its Ronald Raegen in disguise!!!!!


  12. Very weird!

  13. Dreams deal in opposites, so a guy represents a girl.  A stranger represents someone very close to you.  In your case, the guy represents you as your true self.  In your every day life you are living a life that doesn't represent the real you.  You're hanging out with people who are nothing like you, desperately trying to fit in.  You know it's the truth and your conscience is trying to get your attention.  It's time to stop.

  14. strange

  15. Since he is the same age as you he is your animus, which means that he represents the masculine traits inside of yourself.  

    His image is symbolic for this because dreams are basically metaphors and are rarely literal.  So, if you wonder how you came up with this image of him it's a combination of different men or one man in particular that you found appealing that you saw at one point in your life.  Not just in sexual terms, but personality as well.  This image stuck in your subconscious mind and comes out through dreaming.  If you think about his face and characteristics long enough you may be able to remember where you saw him.

    Each individual has feminine and masculine traits.  The feminine is emotional and the masculine is logical.

    He is the one rescuing you from situations you get yourself into by using logic not emotions.  He is the problem solver within you.

    This may be hard for you to understand because it gets deep into the subconscious way of thinking and understanding dreams.  When I first started reading dreams I didn't understand this.

    I will post a link for you to read about it.  It's not something someone figures out over night it takes reading and understanding the concepts, and most people are not interested how our dreams bring us information they only want to know the meaning.  Unfortunately, this meaning of your dream won't satisfy your curiosity.

  16. Since I was about 14 (I'm 19 now), I've had some fictional people appear occasionally in my dreams as well. There is one (named Tim) who has appeared in my dreams a number of times. I've had a crush on him in all of those dreams, and I think he was there to represent how much I longed for a Mr. Right. (Occasionally I'd imagine that he really existed and that we just hadn't found each other yet, but clearly that was only my empty hopes!). There is also a different guy who has appeared in my dreams, who is definitely not someone who I'd like to see in real life. He is someone who dresses all in black, and he always tries to kill me in my dreams!

    Anyways, you probably see the same guy in your dreams due to an imagination run amok. Also, it may be that you find this guy mysterious and intriguing, and wish you could find someone like that in real life. Just my two cents!

  17. Trust me, it's just a dream. I used to have dreams about this guy, he looked a little like this guy that goes to my school. I started liking the guy because I would always have romantic or heroic dreams about him, but after I actually talked to him (on the lunch line) he ended up being the most annoying person ever. Even up to this day I hate him. I fell in love with a dream, not him.

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