
A guy said he wanted to Handball me?

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So i'm asking in the handball sports section. How hard is it to learn how to play handball, does it hurt?




  1. No it really is not that hard to learn. Now if it hurts depends on what kind of ball you use. I used to play and within my first year when I was in 5 grade I went up against the Jr. National champion and only lost by one point. The scoring is a little funny and the rules are a little tricky but you could learn them in no time.

  2. Handball you, um, Iz dont be thinken he meant dah sport. He means gettin his hand and for arm greazed up whit crisco and punching it in you honey.

  3. Yes, like  a m**o.  Punch him in his groin next time he asks you

  4. haha we played that in elementary skool!! no its not painful and its not hard 2 learn

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