
A guy threatend me with having my group deleted?

by  |  earlier

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because he doesnt like the way I run it.... he's a total anti-spam freak - it doesnt bother me I just delete it and move on, but he wants me to totally change the way the group is run just for HIM hating spam by restricting who gets in or who gets to post which is totally not what I want for the group. Ive had the the group for almost 7years without problems.

When I asked why he stays in my group if he hates it so much - he says its HIS group because he's a member.

can this guy really do all this?? and what remedy do I have for this?




  1. Hey, the way I would handle it is to simply kick him out of the group. As owner of the group, you have that power. Why put up with all that stuff when you can end it just like that!!!

    I always close my group's membership so it has to be approved if they want to join. That way I keep people like him out.

  2. delete and move on

  3. people like this always seem to pop up. cant tell you how many times I've had that same threat. when yahoo get's complaints, from what I understand if they review the situation within your logs, they wont delete a group unless there's a TOS violation. OMG, they must get tons of e-mails like this each day!

    ignore that person- remove them.  if other members want to join their group, it's their choice (I belong to many myself)

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