
A had a car crash.... who's fault do think it was....?

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I was travelling at 10mph as i was approaching a blind corner on a single track country road... As the lady come round the corner in her car she was travelling around 30 - 40 mph.

I saw her and straight away stopped.

She then went into me and her airbag went off and her car got crushed.

I however was about 7 - 10 inches away from the left side of the road and she said i was on the wrong side of the road.

She was coming down hill and I was at the bottom off the hill.

What is your opinion ? It happend on Garlinge Green Road in Chartham if you want to look it up on Google Maps the corner right of the triangler road.




  1. its her fault,if you have pictures,take them to court,always take piuctures of an accident before any of the cars are moved

  2. Well it is very clear the lady driver is wrong, I know you didn't know better but the police should be called. I would leave it with your insurance company they should know how to handle it and hope for the best.

  3. her fault, no doubt about it you're insurers should be fighting you're case for you. hang in there with it keep pushing, don't give in

  4. Her fault she was travelling too fast on a blind corner. Hope you get all your repairs etc. off her insurers. If she can't produce insurance, inform the police.

    Do not let her put any blame on you!!

  5. Her fault, no question and she *knows* that.

    She was going way too fast for a blind corner.

    I hope you took some pics on your mobile to back up her 'claim'.

  6. someone was on the wrong side for it to happen.. so if you were in the left side and correct and not crossing the white line then your ok... not your fault...

  7. If she was turning right (the way you were coming from) it was her fault, as most people would creep into the lane in the direction they were going.

  8. Her fault

  9. her fault no question,

  10. It totally sounds like her fault because clearly she wasn't paying enough attention. There are sometimes obstacles in the road. Is she on any medication? It's scarey that she's driving with that kind of mentality.

  11. It sounds like a he said she said situation, but what did the police say ???

    Turn it over to your insurance company and they will do their on investigation and let them fight it out.

    From what you are saying I would say that it would have been her fault for travailing to fast for the road conditions.

  12. Same thing happened to me only the vehicle coming the other way was a massive truck with a crane on the back of it - I didn't stand a chance.  Car was written off (obviously).  As we were on a single track road neither of us could lay blame and it went 50/50 on the insurance.

  13. i think it will go in your favour has she was coming down an hill which increases speed and you were almost stationary.7-10 inches away from the kerb doesn't put you in the wrong lane. if you have taken photos it will definatley help you if you have to go to court.

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