
A hard riddle for me to solve. Can you help?

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Stick Drops, Woman Died. How did the woman Die?

My sister gave me this one and I'm stumped. If anyone know the answer please let me know. Or give e some direction. I tried for 3 hours to think of this one but it seems a bit out of my league. Please let me know. = D




  1. how heavy was the stick???

  2. an older woman had a heart attack... her cane (the stick) drops as she falls then she dies

    thats what i was thinking-

    good one tho. wow

  3. This is probably one of those riddles that has many possibilities but is only looking for one specific answer.

    I'm thinking the stick dropping is supposed to be a signal for someone to pull a switch or to pull the trigger and kill the person, or something like that. Maybe the stick is the switch.. I don't know.

    Or maybe someone dropped a stick while she was riding her mountain bike down a mountain and it got stuck between her wheel, causing her to fly off a cliff.

    Or it could be a match stick that fell on something flammable, causing her house to burn with her trapped inside.

  4. Ummmm... How big was that stick? Lol Im stumped 2!

    I loke soup!

  5. How about the stick is a test kit for pregnancy.  She found out she was pregnant, dropped the stick, and later died of complications.

    I know it's not very good, but sometimes these things lead other people to better ideas... :)

  6. A guy was playing fetch with his dog in the park, he threw it and it came her direction. The dog was hungry and ate her. hahaha i doubt this is the real answer

  7. the stick drops on her head and she dies.

  8. look for the answer on google

  9. did the woman get her head chopped off? like from those movies when the stick with the knife falls?  

  10. an older woman had a heart attack... her cane (the stick) drops as she falls then she dies

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