
A haunting...weakest link? skeptics?

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When there is a demonic presence, they often try to take over the weakest link... Usually the skeptic. But, is it just because someone is a skeptic they automatically become the weakest link? Just because someone is a skeptic, doesn't mean they are weak rite? Just wondering. thanx 4 anything u can say!

BTW, just people who believve please.




  1. As far as I know, the weakest link would be some one dependent on drugs or alcohol or some other addiction they can not control.  Addictions mean the person has no self control.  Skeptics would be the most powerful in my opinion because their lack of belief gives the demons no power over them.  It is your fear they feed on more than anything else.  

    My question is where are you getting your info?

  2. Where is your fact finding on this one? How many books have you read? Not enough.. Its just not the case.

    Its not only skeptics, a true believer would be a weakest link in my opinion. Then again I am not sure how many investigations you have gone on.

  3. "Just people who believe"?

    This is called confirmation bias and since it will only validate what you already purport (unless this is some kind of strange test), I think you are doing yourself a disservice...

    You have already assumed that demons exist.

    How do you know? What knowledge do you base this on besides the fallible human senses that can easily be fooled?

    Do I, because I am a skeptic, have demons flowing through me right now? (that would be kind of cool).

    And besides, aren't we all "skeptics" about some things in our lives?

  4. Well it's usually someone will the most negative energy surrounding them.  Which could be from anything from anger and rage to sadness and grief.  The negative energy attracts these things and since you are already weakened by your anger or sadness it's quite easier for you to be possessed or tricked by them.  Every religion has something that protects them from evil be it words or symbols but skeptics usually don't worry about that kind of stuff so that also makes them an easier target.  Skeptics themselves actually are a middle ground for being weak or strong, because they are skeptic who is still will try the supernatural they are stronger but if they are a bullheaded skeptic they tend to be weaker.  Pride tends to be our biggest weakness and that's what many skeptics have too much of.

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