
A healthier alternative to sodas; HAS to have a fizz like soda...?

by  |  earlier

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I can't drink regular soda because of my blood sugar level, and people keep telling me that diet soda can damage my body. So what else is there to drink that has that same fizz? And please no dumb answers like water; water isn't going to settle my stomach after I've had yucky diet food for my meals.




  1. club soda, diet soda, san pelligrino or perrier  water

  2. If your worried about blood sugar make tea with splenda instead of suar. Or water.

  3. Have you ever tried club soda with a little lime in it? It's very refreshing but without the sugar. If you can't put the lime in yourself, Perrier makes a lemon club soda that hits the spot. San Pellegrino is very similar.

    Sometimes ginger beer is unsweetened, or if it is, not very much. And the ginger helps to settle your stomach, too.

  4. use juice concentrate, leave one can of water out of it. When you fill your glass, fill it half with juice, half with club soda.

  5. Seltzer with a wedge of lime is my drink of choice.

  6. Sparkling water like pelligrino. You can add some lemons to it, to add some flavor.

  7. Flavored sparkling water.

  8. Try Izze!  Izze is a carbonated drink made from 70% juice and 30% sparkling water.  There is between 30-40 grams of sugar but all the sugar comes naturally from the juice.  It is not refined sugar.  In addition, every bottle of juice equals one serving of fruit.  They taste amazing!!

  9. Soda water, mix with a "light fruit coctail w/ splenda"!

    I like to do this with cranberry juice or grape oh strawberry cran is great to, just be sure to get the light version

  10. As some have already suggested club soda with some sort of flavoring in it is great.

    If you can stand the diet soda's then mabye that would be a way to go as well. Most of the aritfitial sweetners used in store brand diet drinks though leave a nasty taste in my mouth so I don't drink them.

    There is a line of energy drinks out there too that many health conscious people really enjoy. Even diabetics can use them. It is a line called XS Energy. They have 10 wonderful flavors. Most of them are 0 sugar, 0 carbs and only 8 calories. 3 of those have more but not more than 2 carbs and 16 calories though. They also have 3 caffeine free flavors too. The artificial sweetener used there is unique and proprietary and has MUCH less of an aftertast than regular ones do.

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