I dreamed it was night and I was outside my house. I was looking up the night sky and suddenly due to a lightning, I saw a huge spacecraft right above me. The weird thing was that it had the shape of a human heart, but it was all mechanical. I run in my house to tell everyone, it was such an overwhelming sight. As I was telling my family, somebody don't remember who, noticed something in the backyard, we all went out and saw a large hole in the ground. I considered it as a warning, and felt scared. Then we saw something moving in the ground. It looked like a baby, just not human. It was really white, and when we held it, it felt pleased I guess and changed colors (pink green red). It started changing from baby to a puppy and then to a cat until finally changing back to a baby. We were not afraid of it, we all found it adorable but we were afraid the spacecraft would return for it, so we didn't want to take it with us.
It's so weird cause I'm not into science fiction at all.