
A height question for adults who have finished growing - what age were you when you stopped growing?

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I stopped growing at 14 and I wonder how many other adults out there stopped growing either younger or at same/similar age and how did you feel about it? I think it was a very young age to have stopped and I would have loved to have made at least 6 foot (182cm) - what about you?




  1. even i hav stopped growin..i m too 14..wanna b frndzz..add me on yahoo

  2. 21 is the average age when people stop growing

  3. I never really thought about it.  I just accepted what God handed me & was deliriously happy I made it that far alive & well.  I never worry about what could have been or what should have been.  Worry only sends you to an early grave - and I aint planning on going that route anytime soon.  When God calls, I will go - no if's, and's, but's or maybe's about it.  Until then, whether I reached my full potential in height is the farthest thing from my mind.

  4. I think I was ninteen then.

  5. I stopped growing at age 22, but I pretty much stopped growing at 20. I only gained a half inch between that time.

  6. i stoped at 20. I'm 6'7"

  7. it really depends on allah

  8. Growth is hereditory

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