
A hexagon with equal sides?

by  |  earlier

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To make it simple for me how do you layout a hexagon that is 11ft. x 11ft. what size are each triangle?




  1. You can't have a hexagon that is 11 feet by 11 feet.  I suggest brushing up on your geometry and then asking the question again.

  2. Now I see your additional info so here's an updated answer. I'm leaving the old answer below as is, just as FYI

    Try drawing this -- If the hexagon fits into an 11ft x 11ft square area, then the distance between any two of its opposing vertexes will be 11ft and the distance from any vertex to the center of the hexagon will be 11/2 = 5.5ft. Since a symmetric hexagon is actually 6 equilateral triangles stuck together and one side of this triangle is the same as the distance from the vertex of the hexagon to the center of the hexagon, you get 6 equilateral triangles, each with 3 sides of 5.5ft each.

    Try drawing a picture so you can visualize it. Good luck!

    =====Previous answer based on understand hexagon side to be 11ft each =======

    Each triangle is 11 ft x 11 ft x 11 ft

    A hexagon has 6 sides, all of which are 11 ft in your example. If you draw lines from each vertex (corner) of the hexagon to the opposite vertex, they all intersect at the center of the hexagon and effectively split the hexagon into 6 equilateral triangles.

    Each triangle will have 3 sides of 11 ft each. The area of this triangle will be (1/2) * base * height = 0.5*11*11 = 60.5 ft^2

  3. Do you mean that the sides are each 11 ft.?  Or do you mean it fits on a 11 ft. x 11 ft. piece of paper?

    A regular hexagon is made up of 6 equilateral triangles...

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