
A high level of which of these indicates a country with a poor standard of living?

by Guest63666  |  earlier

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GDP, literacy rate, per capita, birth rate




  1. birth rate.

  2. Birth Rate could indicate a poor standard of living since the country may be incapable of sustaining so many new people.

    A high GDP and literacy both contribute positivley.

  3. High birth rates tend to be seen in less developed countries as children can be more of an asset than a financial 'burden' - though obviously this is not the only reason people have kids!

    In more rural economies with low levels of capital children may be wanted to work and help support the family, and look after parents when they are older. In developed economies birth rates are very low; in most European countries birth rates are below 'replacement level'.  

    Access to birth control and family planning may be difficult/restricted/too costly which adds to birth rates. Also if infant mortality is high then families may have higher numbers of children to increase the chances of them surviving to grow up.

    Women may not be equal members of society in some developing countries i.e. they are seen purely as homemakers. Lower female literacy almost certainly means higher birth rates.

    That should just about explain it!

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