
A history question?

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Which British city was dubbed the "City of Dreadful Knights" in the aftermath of the "honours for sale" scandal which damaged the reputation of David Lloyd George, Prime Minister in the coalition goverment after the First World War?




  1. Its Cardiff

  2. * Definetely Cardiff

  3. Cardiff.

  4. Cardiff, Wales, became known as the "city of dreadful knights".

  5. It was Cardiff.


  7. Lloyd George's problem after the first world war was that he was estranged from the Liberals, governing with the Conservatives in a coalition, and he needed money for his election campaigns, which was collected in an account known as the Lloyd George Fund. Still popular as the man who brought the war to a close (having voted in Cabinet for Britain to join in the war to support Belgium and France) and for the dubious distinction of having started the welfare state he was, eventually, partly brought down by the scandal. But from 1917 to 1922, when Lloyd George left No. 10, 120 hereditary peers alone were created. He invented the OBE and handed out 25,000 of them. Ley said there were so many knighthoods dished out in Cardiff that it became known as the 'city of dreadful knights'.
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