
A homeless man asked me for change and I didn't have any, so I gave him some car wash coupons. Was that OK?

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A homeless man asked me for change and I didn't have any, so I gave him some car wash coupons. Was that OK?




  1. mubehsd

  2. sure if he has a car lol

  3. who cares. seriously

  4. Yeah, if you're a douche.

  5. that was so mean shouldda gave him a $10 bill

  6. I'll laugh when you get in a horrible car accident and need a specific type of blood and the surgeon gives you a coupon for 30 cents off a Whopper combo instead.

  7. Maybe he can sell them to someone to get food. If that's all you had to give then I think that is okay.

  8. No it was stupid and worthless

  9. you are good person thank you for being good

  10. um I am not sure if you asked to be funny or if you are bothered by the fact that you thought car wash coupons were a good idea.

  11. lol he probably doesn't have a car.

    wonder if he thanked you...

  12. somebody already said it, but ya he will spin it into gold. he's standing infront of a party store as we speak.

  13. Obviously he dosent need car wash coupons.

    No, that wasnt okay.

    Just made you look like an @ss.

  14. Umm, maybe he can sell the coupons to others passing by?  If he's homeless he probably doesn't have a car, and if by some small chance he had a car, I'm sure he doesn't have any money, nor the care to wash his car.  I think you basically gave him a slap in the face.  "I'm sorry, I have no change" would have sufficed.

  15. Kenny ,

    Thats like sewing a button on a zipper !

    at least you gave him something !

  16. umm chances are he doesn't own a car,but it was nice that you gave him something

  17. HAHAHA....NO

    he doesnt have a car if hes homeless buddy! u shouldve just said "im sry, i dont have any change" or just given him a dollar or something

  18. haha

  19. he can wash the car hes living in ...nice!!!!

  20. That's great, instead of giving him money you gave him the opportunity to get his clothes cleaned AND a shower to boot! Well done!

  21. Give him the car instead you selfish freak!

  22. ...I think he could have used S & H "green stamps better... Why not just give him a "ten" and be HERO !

  23. Absolutely.  The homeless' personal hygiene is often times forgotten in today's society.  Bravo, my friend.

  24. if he could turn around and sell them, sure. but dont give handouts to bums, most of the time they buy more booze with the money. give to a rescue mission or homeless shelter instead.

  25. its weird. that's actually kind of mean if one thinks about it. Like giving a blind man coupons to see a movie.

  26. That's funny!

    I'll have to keep that in mind!

  27. I know u think you are being funny, but car wash coupons? come on!

  28. ha ha lol thats like a big FU to the guy

  29. Did he wash your windshield?

  30. That is soooooooooooo funny. Yea those coupons will really help since he has NO CAR AND NO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!


  31. he can sell them so  sure

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