my son & I were at the store today, & they asked how come he's not in school. My reply was, his school dosnt start until 9-1-08. But, I told them besides he's homeschooled!
The lady turned to me, & said, Oh, God, your 1 of those "stupid" parents!
I was so pissed off, & said I'm not stupid, I just chose to know my child is learning something, instead of sitting in a classroom, being passed over becuase theres more then 1 child in a room, & the teachers feel overwhelmed because they dont have a clue what theyre doing!!
So the lady follwed me out to my car, & said you know! Im a "REAL" teacher, with a degree, wheres yours?
It took eveyrthing I had NOT to smack her!
When I got in my car, she got pissed off, & told me she was talking to me! Thats when I told her, No thats not talking to me, thats putting me down, & as far as Im concerend I wasnt asking for your opinion at all!
So when I thought all was done with, my son & I went to another store to pick something up, & I'll be damned if that same lady didnt follow me, & parked beside me, & was once again telling me off. It got to the point someone saw her going off on me & called the police.
When the police got there, they basically told the lady to get off her rocking horse, & leave me & my child alone!!!!
What the h**l do others care how I raise my child, & how I feel about shcooling my child? The way I see it atleast hes getting a education!
I dotncare for the public schools here for us,& we deciced to take his education in our hands!