
A homeschooling parents question

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my son & I were at the store today, & they asked how come he's not in school. My reply was, his school dosnt start until 9-1-08. But, I told them besides he's homeschooled!

The lady turned to me, & said, Oh, God, your 1 of those "stupid" parents!

I was so pissed off, & said I'm not stupid, I just chose to know my child is learning something, instead of sitting in a classroom, being passed over becuase theres more then 1 child in a room, & the teachers feel overwhelmed because they dont have a clue what theyre doing!!

So the lady follwed me out to my car, & said you know! Im a "REAL" teacher, with a degree, wheres yours?

It took eveyrthing I had NOT to smack her!

When I got in my car, she got pissed off, & told me she was talking to me! Thats when I told her, No thats not talking to me, thats putting me down, & as far as Im concerend I wasnt asking for your opinion at all!

So when I thought all was done with, my son & I went to another store to pick something up, & I'll be damned if that same lady didnt follow me, & parked beside me, & was once again telling me off. It got to the point someone saw her going off on me & called the police.

When the police got there, they basically told the lady to get off her rocking horse, & leave me & my child alone!!!!

What the h**l do others care how I raise my child, & how I feel about shcooling my child? The way I see it atleast hes getting a education!

I dotncare for the public schools here for us,& we deciced to take his education in our hands!




  1. I am so very sorry this happened to you - especially in front of your child.

    We've had a few similar situations, such as the bagger at the supermarket who screamed, "How can you DO that to her??"

    This is why, after a number of years homeschooling, we tell strangers, "She attends private school.  They are having an inservice day/minimum day/late start/early dismissal"

    I sincerely hope this never happens to you again.

    All the best.

  2. It sounds like she has a real problem.  I doubt very seriously that she is a public school teacher.    She appears more like someone who failed to take her morning medication.    Think about it; no one with good mental health would care about the educational choice of a complete stranger.

  3. Sheesh, that is the most over the top reaction to homeschooling I have ever heard of!  I feel sorry for someone with such a small view of life and education.  Good to know she's educating the next generation, eh?

  4. Honestly, this lady was clearly not all there.

    I agree with the public school issue; my parents decided a number of years ago that it would be smarter to take my education into their own hands. It paid off. I ended up going to a charter school for high school; graduated a year early with honors. Now I'm going to the exact college I'd hoped for with a solid foundation built by my parents teaching.

    I've got a good group of friends that I had no trouble at all meeting; good folks. Socially and educationally, home schooling worked for me. More power to you!

  5. I'm so sorry you and your son had to go through this. you did the right thing by calling the police. She apparently had some mental health issues.

    Warm Regards


  6. that was a really weird situation. i've been homeschooled since pre-k (now 17 yo). when i tell people i'm homeschooled all i get is "aw thats so cool, i wish i could be homeschooled" and "thats great ur parents do that, if i could, i would homeschool my kids"., etc.

    that lady must have been one pissed off school teacher.

  7. This is so horrible.  Some people!

    I was thinking of coming up with a list of good comebacks to say for homechooling so you are not put on the spot.  You have refreshed this in my mind.  I think we need to prepare because unfor. this happens often!  Mine are all little but I've already started to deal with it because my boy just turned 5.  UGH.  "you know, he will get NO socialization if he stays home with you"...."what is your degree in again?  *smiling since they know I don't have a teaching degree*... I could go on and on but each time I am floored at how rude they are and I"m not consistently a good model.  Sometimes I don't say anything which is not good and sometimes I fly off the handle which is also not good.  

    We need a few REALLY good lines to have on hand.

    Thanks for sharing your story, it's comforting to know I'm not alone!

  8. That lady was insane. Of course home schooling is ok! As long as you teach your kid social skills its fine.  

  9. That woman was obviously not a "real teacher" but a nut case. Surely you are not blaming the public schools just because a psycho claims to be defending them.

    But seriously, there are a lot of children out there whose parents really don't give them a good education at home, just as there are good and bad public schools. I have been called in to tutor some of those kids when their parents get tired of playing the game. I know you do a good job, but be aware that there are some who don't.

    Lest you run into another zealot (even if not as extreme as that one), it is probably better not to volunteer the information that you homeschool your child, especially when your son is present. That must have been a nasty experience for him. Just be realistically aware that there is some public sentiment against what you are doing, and not just from delusional non-teachers.

  10. Hi, I'm also a home-schooled student, and while reading your experience, I just realize that so many teachers or professors here have degrees whatsoever, but some of them cannot teach clearly or good enough to be called "teachers", and that is very disappointing. I am now going to college and study as a teacher and if anybody approach me like that all i can say is "none of your business." Plus, I know people might criticize me if i tell them i'm a home-school student, but hey, i don't care. At least, i have achieve more than i thought, and I'm very proud and happy for it. Just keep your head up and be proud of it, and you made the best decision for your son.  

  11. WOW.  That is all I can say, is wow.  Not only did she feel the need to insult you (calling you stupid) but to harass you (following you outside) and stalk you (follwing you elsewhere).

    I would have inquired about why SHE was not in school if she expected him to be, and she is a "real" teacher-she should have been in school as well.

    I have gotten positive, nuetral and negative comments when in similar public scenarios where they "Why are you not in school?" question comes up, but never something to that extent.  I am sorry that you-and most importantly, your son-had to experience that.

  12. I applaude you for not smaking her in the face I know I would have talking to me like that! That is horrible you had to go through that. I do agree with you on the homeschooling I have 3 small kids and my husband and I are thinking about homeschooling them. The school stystems where I live are HORRIBLE there are teaching sleeping with students, drugs, no real education at all the teachers dont know a darn thing, its really messed up here. I applaude you for being a good mother and wanting your son to have a good education I wish there were more parents who cared about there children and there education!!!  

  13. Are you sure you made the right decision by homeschooling and keeping your son out of the hands of this psychotic out-of-balance teacher? Doesn't the piece of paper showing that she has degree make up for her mental illness?????????

    Seriously, next time thank her for validating your decision to homeschool.

  14. my youngest son was forced into homeschooling because he is allergic to mold and the district where we live had mold issues. Since then I have homeschooled all 3 of my children including one that graduated and went onto a private university with scholarships.

  15. I understand completely where you are coming from.  I had the same battle, but with my own family,as many of them are teachers.  My best thought of comment back to the woman who was harassing you would be to tell her "It's teachers like you who make me certain that my decision to home school my child is the best for him."  You don't owe anyone any explanation on how you choose to raise your child.

  16. Good that someone called the police because she sounds like a mental patient. If she really was a qualified teacher you've got to wonder why SHE wasn't in school ... except that she's so clearly mental that nobody will employ her.  

  17. Omg, Tammy, what an experience! I don't know what I would have done in that situation but I think you handled it well.

    What does she care? She probably has some background issues with homeschooling and takes the whole thing personally. There are, unfortunately, people out there who think that homeschooling our kids means we are personally attacking them. I remember being in a local parenting forum where the homeschooling parents could barely say anything about homeschooling without a non-homeschooling parent jumping on them. It was absolutely ridiculous. Someone could ask parents what they chose as a school program for their kids (we have a gazillion different programs through the schools here) and somebody might say we did this and that then chose to homeschool and one person would go off on how the poster didn't ask about homeschooling so stop flaunting or trying to get people to change. All kinds of things sent people off into defensive mode, some almost as bad as the lady you encountered. It's a self-centred type of living where things they disagree with are seen as personal attacks; because they feel attacked, they attack back. It doesn't make any logical sense whatsoever, but we're talking emotions and self-concept here, not logic.

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