
A homosexual teacher request to a school for discrimination

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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A teacher until the end of 2013 worked at the College Calasancio Daughters of the Divine Shepherd of Sanlucar de Barrameda (Cádiz) has sued the center, which is under a covenant of the Junta de AndalucÃ_a, for alleged discrimination because of their sexual orientation. The teacher started working at the school in December 2008 with a replacement contract for partial retirement of another teacher. In December concluded that contract and the possibility that it will become part of the template as the other workers was opened. But according to the lawsuit filed this month by the teacher, was not renewed for being homosexual.

The lawsuit claims that " made ​​notorious because of their sexual orientation and public " school director asked him to come to his office. There, he warned " that given their sexual condition, which has transcended the center noticeably, could not guarantee its continuity." In addition, the suit says, he was told that the matter would be it as " knowledge of the central " and that they would be " who decide on that matter, since they might have parents who, by his Christian upbringing or his political ideals they might be upset, it having consequences for the rest. "

Moved toward the center on several occasions directed in the same direction. And in November 2013, he was again reminded that no "could ensure renewal since the panel can consider that the actor model as the center wants teachers not welcome."

Finally, on November 27 managers reported that the school will not continue to work there. And the measure is justified in that the teacher did not have the English title of B-2. According to the lawsuit, " other teachers in the same situation without the qualifications outlined their contracts have been renewed, with the fact that the actor is developing the Advanced level, higher than the B2 level." The fact that during his five years at the school, was the coordinator of the center is given bilingualism.

Luis Segura, representing the order of the Religious Calasancias, holding that there was no discrimination and that simply " temporary contract is over." "There is no reason," he adds. The output of the teacher caused a stir among the families of the students. The board decided to issue a statement in which he explained that he had " exercised his right not to renew the contract, considering that the educational profile of the teacher does not fit the current and future school plan."

Meanwhile, the Triangle Foundation AndalucÃ_a had sent a letter to the Ministry of Education which calls on the Administration " intervene immediately " to this " case homophobia."

 Tags: discrimination, homosexual, request, school, teacher


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