
A horrible nightmare.Help!?

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I had a dream a couple months ago. In my dream my sister died. She's still alive now. The reason I ask such a question so late is because now it is really starting to bug me. I want know what's going on.

In the dream My mom&&me were standing next to my sister. My sister was sitting on the doctors table where you lay down and it's covered in paper(sorry I don't know the exact name).

Then the doctor came in (it was a guy) and told us he would have to put her to sleep. I walked out into the sitting room and sat next to my dad. I am not sure if i cried or not. I know I was sad. Then I Mumbled something to my dad that i can't remeber either. Walked backed in to the doctor room thing. My dad stayed out there. My sister was sitting on a different table and again me and my mom were standing in front of her. The doctor came in and said something and took a needle and put in her right arm. This is the only words I heard clearly in the whole nightmare. She said i'll miss you forever and goodby




  1. some dreams just dont mean anything your sis will b fine

  2. its just a dream

  3. Is your big sister getting ready to go away to college, get married, or moving out?  

    Her death in the dream is symbolic of something you see as a new beginning for her.  It probably means that you see things "being different" for you both.  

    Though I'm sure the dream freaked you out and seemed bad, because your family was there and a physician it seems like she is getting ready to embark on something that is fully supported.  

    If your sister wants to try something new, go somewhere I would really encourage her.

    Best of luck!!!

  4. Dear Jill, when you read all those comforting answers, did you really and truly believe any of them deep down? If you did not really believe their comforting words, then the dream does not mean that your sister will only change her course in life, but that she may leave this earth. I feel that's what you feared and that you posted your question to get someone to tell you that your fears were not justified.

    In my experience the plot of the dream is not always sufficient to make a proper analysis. What I found is that the feelings you have when you wake up are the truest indicator of the dream's real message.

    Dreams are tricky of course; you would know that. They also have a different timeframe. They can see things years ahead.

    What I usually say to dreamers like you is that the old Roman philosopher Seneca had the best way of looking at things. He was a pessimist which seems not a good way of dealing with life. But it is when you reflect on his reasons. He said: "Always expect the worst for when it does happen you are not shocked, and when it doesn't happen you are agreeably relieved."

    I am not sure if you really wanted to hear this. I know it is hard. But part of life is death. It actually highlights, it accentuates life itself. Without the thought of death our life loses a dimension.

    There is one comfort in all this and that is our knowledge that death is not the end. Our spirit, our soul, survives death. We can see this from the thousands of NDE's that are now published in different books and on the Internet as well. Look up a site on NDE's or Near Death Experiences and you will see that those who have gone to the other side for a time have come back with a new view on life and a new attitude towards death: they are no longer afraid of it in many cases.

  5. It means nothing. Dreams are just our mind playing around while we sleep. If you want to buy a book about dream interpretion I predict that you will make the person who wrote it very happy.

  6. some dreams are horrible. I've had them, and they bug you. you should look up and research dreams online, and what they mean. then you will realise it's all made up by YOU and only YOU and you have controlls of your dreams.

    You can also see what your dreams mean online, having a certain type of dream means something.

    you will then see that its all rubbish and yeah, you might be in fear. but at the end of the day, it has nothing to do with real life! so just laugh at it and think how crazy you were for even making it up in the first place! haa. dont worry, its all cookoo.

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