
A horse poem that I thought you guys would love?

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I didn't write this, a lady called Carol Heuchan wrote it, but I just had to post it so you guys could read it.

Horse Madness

Why do I like horses?

I reckon I must be mad

My Mother wasn't horsey

And neither was my dad

But the madness hit me early

and it hit me like a curse

and I haven't gotten better

in fact I've gotten worse

The stables are immaculate

the house is like a hovel

last year for my birthday

I got an aliminium shovel

I hardly read a paper

But i know who's sold their horse

and i wouldnt watch the news

if Mr Ed was on, of course

i'm an expert on one subject

horses - nothing more

so at social interaction

I'm a bloody bloomin bore

one eye's always on the heavens

but my washing waves in vain

as i rush to get the horses in

thinking it's gonna rain

and though they're wearing 15 rugs

the best that you can get

i bring them in to keep them dry

while i get soaking wet




  1. I love that -it's great.

    No - I don't feed them potatoes ( but sometimes they steal crisps off the girls !

  2. that poem is hilarious! so true.

    to answer your ? I have never fed my horse potatoes.

  3. Fun poems!

    No I never feed them potatoes. But I feed them all kinds of household scraps: orange peels, banana peels, apple cores, celery, ettuce, etc.

  4. Hey There! First off, GREAT POEM! Totally love it. It is like the story of my life.

    Next. Yes I do feed my horses potatoes. They really like them. We feed them about 10pounds every other Sunday to all our fillies and colts. It gives them something mushy to eat.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Really Great Poem!!! It's so true though, thats what makes it so funny, Other people just do not understand us do they!!

  6. Ok, it's a cool enuf poem.  It leaves me with a few questions.  Do U have a horse?  I don't like horses but I'm a farm boy and I understand totally what animals NEED.  A horse is NOT a pet.  A horse is a work animal.  Horses live to work.  A horse not worked or ridden daily for at least 4 hours is an abused animal.  Do you work your horse 4 hrs a day 7 days a week?  A love of horses does NOT substitute for proper care and housing.  Does your horse have more than an acre of land for his own use?  If he does not he is an abused animal.  Do you understand the dietary needs of your horse?  What do you feed him? Do you know the protien content of his feed?  If you do not, your horse is an abused animal.  Do you inspect his hooves daily?  Do you know how to trim and treat them?  If you do not your horse is an abused animal.  I see so many neglected and abused horses penned on a 1/3 acre backyard, lame from overgrown hooves, never ridden, overfed with too much grain and alfalfa.  they're treated worse than dogs.  Their owners claim to be horse lovers.  Are you one of them?  If you are I pity you and I pity your horse more.  A horse treated like that is better off in an alpo can.  A horse owner like that is better off in jail.  Watch a video of wild horses.  Watch a video of a working saddle or draft horse and tell me your PET horse penned in your backyard is better off.  I will call you a liar and a horse abuser.  For those who truly understand and work horses I commend you.  I call down shame on the rest.  I have no love for those who declaw cats either but it's a similar abuse.

  7. what a nice poem,

    its true

    i dont feed my horses potatos.

  8. Thats so true!

    Love the poem, no i don't feed my horse potatoes but he loves mushy bananas!!

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