
A horse with strained vocal cords?

by  |  earlier

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There is a pony were trying to train and sell for some friends, and when we went to look at him for the first time he was wheezing and had trouble breathing. We called the vet and asked him about it over the phone and he said it could be strangles. I dont think it is because the horse he is pastured with is always next to him, yet he breaths normally. The pony is in perfect bodily shape. Could it be Strained Vocal Cords? The people said he had been pastured alone for a long time and whinnyed alot. We dont want to take the pony yet because if he is sick we dont want our horses to be at risk. I hope you can help! :)




  1. it may have swallowed a mini guitar

  2. The owner should allow and pay for a vet exam by your vet before you take the risk.  I wouldn't do it otherwise.

  3. get the vet to check

  4. It may be for the better to err on the safe side of reluctance.

    The Vet you spoke with did not see him. You may need to have a good vet take a look.

    You don't want to risk any type of bacterial infection even if it is not strangles.

  5. The pony could have "heaves" its like asthma. he should be treated for this.

  6. If a horse is put in a stable alone when it is used to being with other horses, then it will whinny and squeal a lot.  I've never heard of this happening to horses, but other animals will strain their vocals chords from crying in distress.  Strained vocal chords really isn't an extremely terrible sickness, but it can effect the way a horse performs for it's certain owner.  The best thing to do is probably call the vet with all your new information about the horse being pastured by himself, and see what he/she has to say.  Once an animal strains or severely hurts its vocal chords, there's a good chance that they might be hurt permanently, but as I said in the beginning, I've never heard of this kinda thing happening to horses.  I hope you find out what's wrong, and good luck to you.

  7. It does sound like strangles.  Bite the bullet and get a vet out to double check.

  8. so you're trying to tell us he has a HORSE  throat

  9. yo, what if that horse was singing and that why he voacal cords hurt

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