
A hospital has a lien on my property.and i would like to sell it what do i have to do in order to do so

by  |  earlier

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i know i have to pay it back but i have to make the sell first




  1. The lien can be paid out of the sales.    You just need to sell for more then all of the liens you have.

  2. If you owe a large amount, you may want to have an attorney try to negotiate a lower payment in settlement of the debt first.  This may save you money, if you can settle for less than you owe.  The savings should offset the cost of the attorney.

    Have the attorney take your case on a contingency basis, based on the amount saved off of your bill.  This should take a minimal amount of his/her time, so it shouldn't cost you much in any event.

    Your settlement can be paid from the proceeds of the sale.  A little effort on your part may reap big rewards.  If the debt is small, then just let the Escrow and Title Attorney pay it out of the proceeds.  You won't have to do anything special, as this will happen automatically during the closing process.

    Good luck!

  3. The lien will need to be paid off before or AT closing, but not later.  Hopefully, the sale price you obtain will be sufficiently high to pay off all liens attached to this property.  If not, you would need to come to the closing table with cash to make up the shortfall.

  4. TheMom is right, you can sell the property and pay it out of loan proceeds.

  5. The sales price must be sufficient to pay at debts that are secured by the house, including liens that are filed. That included not only the hospital bill, but any back property taxes, income tax liens, etc.  In addition, you must have sufficient funds for settlement and/or closing costs.

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