
A huge bump after a shot?

by  |  earlier

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Soo I went to the doctor friday. They gave me three shots. One of them to take out blood. I got another one the same arm. That day, I noticed that second one i got kind of hurt when i touched it. Sunday i started to get a bump. Today I have a huge bump. It itches! My mom things its part of the shot. We got my shots book. I saw the shots they gave me. They gave me shots that i should get around my age. A p*****n. I saw one of the shots i got was a chicken pox shot. another one was this,.....shot that i got to help prevent getting this sickness, it happens like when lets say a piece of wood or something like that that Is moist/wet gets in to my skin, that it causes an infection and start rotting my meat, im not sure something like that. anyways. and the other shot was a normal shot to take out some blood. the shot to take out blood is normal. and my one shot on my OTHER arm is pretty normal too. its just that second one i got is a huge, itchy bump. do you think that is like my chicken pox bump? is it normal for that to happen? please help




  1. Sometimes people just have funny reactions to shots. It's actually really common if you look at statistics. Just a month ago I had to get my Meningitis shot, and my arm nearby the injection site was covered in these small red spots. I looked online and scary enough, these red spots were a symptom of Meningitis (Meningitis is a deadly BRAIN disease by the way)! There was something called the glass tumbler test where you something see-through like glass against your arm and if its a meningitis symptom, it shouldn't go away when pressed against. They didn't go away. I was so scared that something went wrong and I actually had gotten Meningitis! Well, it turns out a few days later the spots went away and I was fine. While online researching the symptoms by the way, I saw statistics on side effects from shots, and let me tell you, getting a bump after ANY kind of shot is very common. It should go away on its own, just give it time. And chicken pox bumps are small, flat, and red. So I would assume it's not related.

    I hope I helped to put your mind at rest.

    Good luck! :)  

  2. its not normal its probably a side affect

  3. swellings should be normal after a shot. it swells, smarts, stings and hurts. but itching? i don't think so. have you tried asking your doctor who took the shot? to make the swelling go down put some hot packs over it. but first, as soon as possible, go back to your doctor and bring your mom with you. ask all the neccesary questions concerning that itch.

  4. pretty normal ;)

    give it a week - if it's not better go back.  

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