
A huge dent in my car?

by  |  earlier

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I scraped my car against a pole and now i have a big dent in the side. I wanted to know if my insurance which is Progressive will pay to get it fixed and will they go up on my rates?




  1. Your collision coverage may pay subject to any deductible you may have.  Why worry about rates going up?  If the damages are $2,000, and your deductible is $500. do you actually think your rates will go up $1500. ?  I don't. Typically,  IF they go up at all, it would be 10-20% for a year or so and then drop off dramatically for a second year and then done.  You bought insurance for just such an "accident".  Use it !

  2. If you have collision coverage on your policy you can file with your carrier. You will have to pay your deductible. Since YOU scraped your car againt the pole you are liable and it will be a chargeable loss. As for how the claim may affect your rates, it will depend on your claim history and the amount of damages. Your insurance agent will let you know for certain how it will affect your policy. If you have a deductible of $500 or more it might be worth your while to get an few estimates first to determine if the damages exceed your deductible before you begin the claims process.

  3. call em they are only a phone call away you pay for their services every month so let em do their job

  4. Since it was your fault, they will only cover if you have collision coverage, and it will be less what ever deductible amount you chose when you signed up for it.  It's *possible* your rates might increase slightly, but not a given.

  5. ohh i  had the exact same problem happen to me. They covered it! dont worry, they should cover you too.

  6. If you have collision coverage then yes, they will pay for repairs less your deductible. Your rates may go up but I doubt they will ever go up as much as it will cost to repair your car.
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