
A huge problem? Please take me seriously!?

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I am 17. I am very close to my sister who is 16. But recently I feel that this closeness is more than us just getting along great.

I think I am in love with her.

Has anyone experienced this before?

How do I get over it?

(please don't tell me to find a girlfirend, I already have one and had a quite a few before and I know that what I feel for my sister isn't just sexual attraction)

And if you think this is disgusting - please don't reply. This is a real problem and I am hoping for real advice.

Thank you!




  1. I think you're just THINKING you're in LOVE with her. You DO love her but not that way. It's normal. People are like that alot. So don't worry about it.

  2. That's a pretty hard relationship there.  Ummm...   You can try not to love your sister. And you already know that you shouldn't Marry your sister or cousin,  but i can suggest that you should control your feelings with your sister.

                  GOOD LUCK!!

  3. i have heard of that happening.

    it's not a sexual attraction.

    don't worry. since your going thru puberty, ur hormones r sure to b out of whack.

    try staying away from her for a while, if possible.

    see if the feelings go away.

    don't worry.

    if u get a really strong feeling you should tell her, tell her when she is alone.

    if it still doesn't get better, the next time you see your

    doctor, ask him if it is normal.

    Good Luck!

  4. It IS a real problem.

    You should NOT act on your emotions. I really doubt she feels the same way. As much as it might hurt. Bottle it up, and go find a girlfriend. I know you said don't say that, but you needa find a girlfriend man. A good one...

    Good Luck man, and no I have not experienced it before.

  5. i think , u should first talk to ur sister alone on this matter, because u r saying that already ur sister is very close to u. After that, think urself for sometime whether it is correct or wrong u r doing. A person loving or marring a sister or due to her sexual attraction will create a big sensation in this country,therefore, wht i said starting , talk to ur sister, take ur decision because it can play with ur life.

  6. If your sister is someone who will take you seriously then you should talk to her about it.

  7. Seriously, you should probably go see a shrink, someone you can talk to that has dealt with this before. I think that you need to get control of your emotions and know that is your blood and you dont go there period. You need to figure out why you are feeling this.

  8. mmm you need to tell your mother or father they can help you. i promise  

  9. i think a lot of peple have done that . get over it.......

  10. It is good to be close with her. Maybe it isnt that your "in  love", maybe you love her becuase you have to plus you love her as you would a close and dear friend. Maybe try to ignore her for a while and focus on your girlfriend. go have s*x with your gf and then tell your sister about it.

  11. I think ur confusing the big LOVE with the little love. It can happen. My sis and I are close but I don't think that would bond us for any of that type of relationship.  

  12. If it isn't sexual then I wouldn't worry about it.

  13. Maybe it is just her qualities that you are in love with, not really her. She is probably a great person. My sister has always said your "soul mate" does not have to be your sexual partner and I think that can be true. Do not act on any sexual urges period! And try to distance yourself a little if this is truly how you feel. You get over it by not acting on the feelings/impulses. You will meet someone one day you feel this way about that is not your sister.

    It is like this for married people you may meet someone you want to pursue but you know it is a line that should NEVER be crossed so you do not allow it to go any further, it is the same here, you have to not allow the feelings and find a way to get past this.

    Good luck.

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