
A huge question that noone can probably answer? lol

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I saw a question put on like half an hour ago and wanted to ask a similar one but more direct..

I feel kind of depressed because is the only reason were here to reproduce? I mean is there anything else out there (and yes i know i will get lots of god answers but that all seems pretty dumb to me =/) I know there have been some incredible unexplainable things that have happened so are those odd occurances of science, or human imagination taken to far, or truley something more. Im talking about the power of our subconciuos mind and unexplained magic lol

sorry this is a pretty loaded question but im feeling pretty lost as to the reason were here. it seems pretty pointless




  1. the meaning of life is to find your own meaning in life.

    The bible and all religious texts, mythologies and even science and philosophies are just other peoples metaphors for the nature of what one experiences.  The reason they are so different is because people are so different, some use poetic language some are more dry.

    This is something you will also find repeatedly in movie story lines - you might say "as above so below".   Quite often you will find that a movie script can be viewed as an allegory for the mind.  The main character will be the ego, and other characters will represent various "angels" and "demons", positive and negative aspects of the psyche, eg the intellect, the heart, love, vanity, jealousy, greed, hate etc.  The obvious example being The Matrix movie.

    When one is directed to "find your own nature", this is an injunction to study your own experiences and build your own metaphor in order to understand them.  This will let you know who you are and how you fit into the grand scheme of things.

    No one else can tell you, they can only describe what they experience or pass on other people's metaphors, usually the latter.

  2. life is here to recycle the free energy at the surface of the earth, that's it.

  3. It sounds like you need to do a little self searching. Ancient man used to meditate and look inside themselves for answers (at least that is a widely held belief).  Try relaxing in a quiet area and clearing your mind.  You would be amazed at what happens.

  4. I agree with Steve.

    It's amazing that we're even here to ponder questions like yours, so grab life by the horns and run with it. You decide what gives your life meaning, so get out there and explore life with a passion!

  5. i think the meaning is to do something amazing that will help the generations to come and to have such an impact on the people around you that even when your gone you live through the others that you have impacted

  6. Its up to you to find (your) meaning to life. Move, get busy, do something, get out of yourself. Its a big world, find that something that interests you. Help someone else, you may find you are helping You.

  7. sorry im lost i dont understand ur question

  8. there is only one person in the universe who can answer the question: what is the meaning of life? it just so happens, that the one person is YOU, so feel special about that. seriously, that really is the greatest gift anyone can be given in life, and we are all given it when we are born. only you can create meaning in life, there is no master plan that decides if for you. this can be done either in through theism (through a belief in god), atheism (through a disbelief in god), or agnosticism (by choosing to neither disbelieve nor believe in god). many people are pressured into being religious in order to give their life meaning, and in some cases religion can force one to live a life they don't believe is right, which shouldn't be the case. its important to remember that choosing a religious belief is just that, a choice. even if you don't believe in god, your life can have just as much meaning, because its ultimately up to you to decide what that meaning is.  so live your life to the fullest, pursue your passions, and make the most of this life, because there's no way of knowing what's going to happen,if anything, after its over.

  9. hey i know wat ur trying to say and when u ask this i think and imagine myself out of this world like looking at the earth and the stars and see that there is noting to do ..but then i come back to earth and i say.........

    why waste ur time thinking this or asking when u can be doing a sport and traveling and having fun ...PLANET EARTH IS NOT THAT SMALL LOL


  10. Well, a big part of us is love.  Not reproduction, but true love.  That's what I think at least.

  11. You're here to touch as many peoples lives as possible - whether you reproduce or don't reproduce. Life here on Earth is just the stepping stone to your final destination. Make the best of it, touch the lives of everyone know and even those you don't know and be sure you're on the right path to your final home. Life really is pretty amazing.

    Best wishes...

  12. Athiests will tell you there is no meaning to life. If you don't believe that, then the only other option you have is to believe that there is meaning to life and that God does exist.

    You will never be able to find out about spiritual truths until you can learn to trust in the things you feel.  You must come to realize that the things you feel are just as real as the things you can touch and see.  

    Spiritual truths such as where you came from, where you are going, and why you are here can only be proven to be true through prayer and through the feelings and promptings of the Holy Ghost.  

    I know the answers to your questions, but I don't want to share them, because I think you will just disregard and riddicule what I say.  I know them because I have a witnessed the truth  of them through the Holy Ghost.  They make sense, and definitely give you the answers you are searching for, but I hesitate to share them with you.

    Ok, if you insist....I'll tell you.

    Before we came to earth we lived with our Father in Heaven.  We were his spiritual children.  He wanted us to become like him, and to earn the right to inheret all that he had. Thing is, not everyone is all that good.  Some people are down right evil infact.  God wanted  us to prove ourselves worthy of all that he wanted to give us.  He presented a plan to allow for us to learn, grow, and to become worthy to inherit all he wanted to give us.  The plan was simple.  We would come to earth.  We would receive a body, we would not remember the things that went on in our pre mortal life.  We would have experiences, and trials and would learn and grow.  

    God would give us direction through prophets, scriptures and personal prayer.  We would be tested to see if on our own and by our own choice we would chose to follow his commandments.  A law or truth in all of nature is that mercy cannot rob justice, and justice cannot rob mercy.  For example:  If you touch a hot stove you will get burned.  This is a natural law or truth.  No matter if you said you were sorry,you would still receive the burn.  Their are spiritual laws too.  We are required to keep them to be able to live where God dwells.  When we break them, they still need to be paid for. How then can Justice not rob mercy?  Don't we deserve a second chance?  Couldn't we repent of the things we did wrong and become better?  How was that to be accomplished? The great Plan of Salvation was presented

    Jesus Christ, offered to come to earth and to pay for our sins.  The plan required us to repent of our sins in order to satisfy the demands of the law, and for justice to be done.  Jesus Christ was able to do this for us because he was to not only God's spiritual son, but also his physical one as well.  Jesus was to live a perfect life, one without sin.  

    When Jesus would pay for the sins that we would commit the laws of Justice would be answered.  The laws of Mercy would also be answered because without him we would have no chance of returning into God's presence.

    We all sin, and where God dwells their is no sin.  It is a place of peace and harmony where sin is not allowed.  We owe a great debt of gratitude to our Savior Jesus Christ for without him we would have no chance of dwelling in the same place as our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ.

    Their was another plan presented by Lucifer.  He wanted the Glory for himself.  He offered to come to earth and to assure that every one of us would return to God.  How?  He would force us to live each and every commandment.  We would have no free will or choice of our own. He would direct and control every part of our lives.

    This plan was rejected by God.  The great war in heaven commenced.  The war between good and evil.  One third of the host of heaven followed Satan.  They never will receive bodies of their own.  They are real and fight against God, and us in every way they possibly can.  The war between good and evil continues.  We are living it today.

    The devil and his angels want to destroy us.  They hate us for making the decision to follow our Father's plan.

    Our Father in Heaven wanted us to have the freedom of choice.  He wanted us to learn to choose the good and not the evil.  Jesus was accepted as our Savior.

    Jesus came to earth and fulfilled God's plan.  He lived a perfect life.

    Because Jesus was not only the spiritual Son of God, but the physical son as well, he had power over death.  He freely gave his life for us.  He had power over death, and on the third day after his death he arose as a resurrected being with an immortal body - one that will never die.  We too will be resurrected.  This is the gift we have earned by chosing to follow our Father in Heaven's plan and come to earth to receive a body.  It is freely given to all who have ever lived on earth.

    God has caused us to forget all that occured before this life, so that our life would be a true test of our devotion to him.  He has not left us alone.  We have prophets, scriptures, parents, loved ones and personal prayer to guide us.  Our actions here will determine our future.

    After we die, we go to a place of rest and beauty to wait for the judgement day. The same type of person that we are when we die is the same person we will be in the here after.

    On the day of judgement, we will all be called up to account for our lives and what we did in them.  Our rewards, and punishments will then be awarded.  If we have not repented, Jesus will not pay for those sins.  They must be paid for, and we will be punished for them.

    In heaven, their are many kingdoms, and mansions.  The highest of all is where God and Jesus Christ dwell.  This is where the greatest level of happiness and eternal progression can occur.  All of God's children are able to achieve this kingdom, but it must be earned.  It requires becoming as much as possible like our Savior Jesus Christ who has set the example.

    Other kingdoms are wonderful as well, but the level of eternal progression is limited to the capacity of that kingdom.  

    An annalogy might be the Sun, Moon, and Stars.  Each are beautiful, and wonderful, but as we look at them, you can see that the sun is far brighter than the moon and the moon much brighter than the stars.

    So it is with the kingdoms in heaven.

    We will continue to exist and to learn and grow throughout the eternities.  At the judgement day everything that was forgotten before we came to earth will once again be remembered.  People we knew, promises we made,  the hopes and dreams we had.

    This is the meaning to life.  I hope you can accept it because it gives direction and purpose to everything you do in life.

    P.S. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

    (the Mormons)  Click on to find out more


  13. And your question is???? No one can answer this meandering speech act since it is declarative rather than interrogative.

  14. I've asked myself this same question many times before. If we're all only soulless organic matter, and all our emotions only rushes of chemicals to the brian, what point is there to life? I eventually came to the conclusion that just because our love is caused by chemical reactions doesn't make it any less beautiful or enjoyable, and that we still feel what we feel, regardless of the reasons behind it.

    In other words, there is no meaning to life - but this means we can make our own meaning. We are free.

  15. there may be lots of reasons we are here, I think maybe religions had it right at one time but have lost most of it over generations of translations, rewrites, and social fighting. I am not religious at all but have read many of the scriptures of the larger religions and have concluded that they all originated from the same place but each society decided to twist it to thier own advantage. I think that instead of worshipping a specific idol maybe the point was to live a selfless life and try to respect mother nature (whom I believe is the real god). and when I say mother nature I mean the entire universe and that we are all part of that, much like a single cell is a part of us. Who knows the buddist may have it figured out better than anyone, try reading something from the dali lhama, his books are cheap and available at barnes and nobles. I dont claim to have any more answers than you or anyone else does but know that if there is a bigger reason for us to be here than living a good clean honest life should produce better results than spending my life being hedonistic and destroying mother nature. hope that helps some.  

  16. Well, it comes across that way, but, I will over look it.

    I don't know the experiences that you are going through. I won't pretend that I do. I do know that if it weren't for God, I would not have had the opportunities I have had in my life.

    I was sad at a period in my life because I knew I would not know what it was like to have a baby much less know how  to make a marriage work. I am single and I want to be.

    I don't know what you are living through so I can't really know to properly respond. Yes, there is more out there.

    You just have to be willing and curious to find out. I will not tell you what to do. That is not my purpose here. If you decide to figure this all out, then try reading the bible. Give it a chance but, have an open mind. Remember the people in the bible are not perfect! You may find a soapopera or two.

  17. By what other means does the universe have to know itself?

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