
A huge whale swam under me and my convertible sank in water in a parking lot but dried out any ideas ?

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Crazy but so realistic, any ideas out there?





  1. There 2 things which I can think of for this dream.

    One: The whale is symbolic of a huge problem which is surmounting you, and which you feel you have lost some kind of control to, this is why the convertible would have sank, and if you felt any fear while this was happening, I would say that the whale was definitely symbolic of a task too big to handle. Since your car was in the dream, and your car is big, it could also be symbolic of your car - especially if you are having car trouble lately. (I used to jokingly call my friend's 70's Lincoln Town car 'The Whaler').

    Two: Whales traditionally are symbols of wisdom & spiritual connection & oneness - so the whale could be symbolizing that you are in touch with yourself & to listen to your intuition. Some traditions even believe whales to be friendly, so seeing one in your dream would be symbolic of a friend coming to help you soon, or just general good luck on your side.

    Cars are usually symbolic of how you are 'traveling through life'. If this was the case here I'd say you are traveling pretty crazily! Are there a lot of unexpected surprises? Do you feel like you are sinking lately? Or that you are being swallowed up by some overwhelming problem? Water is usually symbolic of our emotions, if the water in your dream was swallowing up your convertible then maybe emotions have been running a little strong lately.

    The fact that your convertible dried out is a good sign. Things returned to normal, your problems will have solutions soon, and everything will be the better.

    Hope this helped!

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