
A infectious outbreak and your trapped in your house

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if you were to stay at your house and had no way to get out what would you do

help would be 3 weeks away

and when i mean infectious i mean Zombies




  1. I would do the same thing as the guy from "I am Legend" (and I mean the book, not the film)

    I'd barricade myself in as best I could and only go out on brief raids to get food, weapons and communications devices.

    I would kill anything that so much as looked at me wrong. I would stay away from other people, because if "Night of the Living Dead" taught me anything its that they alway go mad and s***w you over.

    I'd spend my days reading quietly and working on my home-made flamethrower until help arrived

  2. Ration the liquor, draw the blinds, play on the computer, keep very quiet, never turn on the lights or TV, run out of smokes and get really grumpy with my roommate.

  3. Well I'd hope since I'm not getting out that no one else is getting in. I'd just answer a few questions on here, play some poker, watch some baseball. Maybe try to sneak out to roundhouse kick the odd zombie. 3 weeks, I'd be ok.

  4. I'd logon to Y!A with my laptop then leave it outside the front door.  I expect one of the zombies could then post a better question than this one...

  5. You have a vivid imagination. Zombies don't exist except in movies and music videos. And an infectious disease wouldn't stop me from leaving my home. I'm in God's Hands and am content. prrrrrrrr.

  6. i would answer yahoo questions.

  7. Fap, fap and fap some moar.

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