
A just had an unnatural dream again.

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the 4rth or 5th time of having unnatural dream this last two months. this time i was being hunted by a human monster (more likely zombie) then i was wounded by it. suddenly i'm in a room and a witch is treating my wound and i got treated. now i was in a room in my old school playing with my classmates (some of them i dont know but some i know). the game is we just sit and a human monster will go around and find a person to scare. now i saw the witch but look more like a teacher but, the real teacher is there in the room. and the witch told me not to forget that she treated me, and i remembered when she treated my wounds. and the monster went to me and licked me but i was not afraid because i know this is just a game.

the most interesting about it is.... i remembered (in my dreams) when the witch treated me. it is just like remembering some thing while you are in the depth of your dreams and having an awareness on what is happening.

can some expert explain this to me...... and the other dreams that i had is much more disturbing than this.




  1. What's the human monster? Is it a aspect of humanity, or of yourself? What about the game makes it harmless? The "fun", the application of rules/structure, something else? Did you get hurt (physically or emotionally) and recover, now you dont need to fear whatever hurt you because you can control it as long as you remember how to heal yourself. I'm sorry its just more questions but i'm not your psyche so i cant give you the answer. answer the questions and put them together and you should get a meaning.

    If i helped, send me info of your other dreams, maybe we can work them out too.

  2. I'm not a dream expert (except for dreaming regularly myself of course) but I know what you mean. I think it's because you're having a lucid, or partly lucid dream. It means that in the dream you are (slighly) aware of the fact that you're asleep and dreaming, and you can put the dream into the right context.

    I regularly have moments of lucidity in my dreams, especially when I'm having nightmares. The great thing is that once you get that feeling you can also "steer" the dream. When I have complete controll I can make myself fly, or visit places I've only seen on tv. In nightmares I often realise at some point that whatever is chasing me can't hurt me because I'm the one who's dreaming. And if it gets really scary, I imagine that there's a door. When I open the door, I walk into another dream, effectively ending the nightmare.

    It shouldn't be something for you to worry about, it's a good thing as it can help you sleep better (not wake up terrified from a nightmare) and it's a lot of fun when you can completely controll where you're going and how :-) It's not unnatural at all.

    Edit: if you want to read more about this:

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