
A kid threw a water balloon at me and i almost got in a wreck. then he tried to fight. should i have fought?

by  |  earlier

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so i was driving the other day and this 15yo kid with his buddy threw a water balloon into my car by the gas station. It exploded and i almsot crashed. i pulled into the lot thinking he would run but he stood his ground. i used to throw balloons and i wasnt actually madi was jsut gonna tell em off for almost causing an accident. i apporach him on foot and before i can talk he swings his skateboard at me an drills me in the neck hard enough to halt my breathing for abit (in the morn it looked like i was strangle). in a fit of rage i grabbed his bourd and threw it accross the street down a hill. then he straight up challenged me to a fight. (im 6 ft 220 lbs an he had to be 5'3 135 lbs). i know he wasnt 18 so my question is after all that bs should i have knocked em around a little? all i did was shake my head in dis belive and walk away. the poor kid must have a hard life at home and someone probably will beat the tar outa him for the same thing he did to me.




  1. The best thing for you to do was to ignore him, and move on. If you hit him and he called the cops, you could've been charged with a criminal act.

  2. call the cops. group home.

  3. If you used to throw ballons, it got back at ya!


    But leave it, better leave than get a fight with a child.

    But yes, if he keeps doing that to people, he might get in nasty problem...

  4. You should have called the cops. I think it is the same as throwing things off of an overpass and is illegal. He was looking to fight from the beginning and you almost took the very dangerous bait. It is probably how highway shooters start out.

  5. You shouldn't have fought. Especially if you are over 20 yo, fighting with someone much younger than you in public would be considered of as antisocial behavior

  6. YES

  7. You did the right thing by walking away but you could have called the cops or the gas station-because they can also get in trouble for having punks causing accidents or worse what if it was a mom and her baby!

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