
A ladies only question? please help its important!?

by  |  earlier

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my right boob - only- has a couple little bumps on the nipple, and it hurts, especially when i get out of the shower, im 13, 5' 5'', 130 lbs. thanks!!!




  1. definately go to a doctor.   i hear there are also tests you can do at home that are not nearly as effective to find tumors and such, breast cancer, you know.  i would definately go to a doctor.

  2. It's probably nothing to worry about.  But, since it's hurting mention it to your mom.  Perhaps a vist to the doc is in order just to be on the safe side :)

  3. i dont think you have any problems...bumps on you nipples like little pimples are normal and your b*****s could be sore because they are growing or you could be near your period

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