
A lady locked her keys in the car with a baby in there?

by  |  earlier

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The Police were called and she was waiting for a locksmith, but the Police busted the window out of the truck as a law to protect the baby from harm.

Now the woman say's the Police acted out of judgement and should of waited for the locksmith to arrive and that the baby was sleeping in the chair anyway and doing alright, but the outside temperature was 100 degrees. She wants them to pay for the broken window can you believe this. I witnessed the whole thing.

Who is right here...the woman? or the Police?




  1. The police

  2. If she just wanted the window to be safe, she shouldn't have called the police. If she wanted the kid to be safe, she should have just shut her mouth and let the police do their work. The police aren't there to make sure the locksmith does his job, they're there to help the child. She doesn't know how hot it was inside that car. Many children have died after being locked inside hot cars. She should stop crying over a broken window, shut up, and be thankful that kid isn't dead.

  3. the Police where right to do what they did. the mom just has her priorities all missed up, your kids come first. you can't replace them but you can always replace a window.

  4. If the car was running and the a.c. was on and the locksmith was on the way and was expected to arrive with in 5 minutes they probably  could have waited.  But if the car was not running and the a.c. was not on, by all means it was right of the police to break the window.  I think she should pay for the window cause if she had not been so careless then the window would not have been broken.

  5. i think that the police did the right thing but the woman still has the right to have them pay for the damage

  6. The Police, deffinatley.

    Whats a broken window when it comes to the health of a Baby?

    If she didn`t want the Police to bust the window she shouldn`t have been so stupid as to lock her keys in the car.

    They should report her to Social Services in my opinion, if you can`t look after your keys, what chance have you got of looking after a baby?

  7. Was the car running and she just left the child in there long enough to get out and open the back door or did she leave the child in the hot car to run an errand.

    I think the police were right.  

  8. The Police of course.

    People do not understand the value of life. Calling the lock smith? LOL. Where is their sense of urgency? The baby comes first. Car's window can be replaced. But not the baby. Won't they get that through their thick skull? Oh, some people............

    And they have the audacity to ask the police to pay? She should not have even waited for the police to arrive. She should have broken it herself, the opposite window from the baby's. Now, that's what I call intelligence. She was not too bright to lock the keys and the bay inside.... so, she should pay for the whole thing, thank the police for saving her baby's life.(did she buy them at least a cold drink to thank them?)

    Let us see .... the house is burning. A baby and a pet is inside the house. You could not get in because of thick smoke. The firemen break down the door and gets the two precious lives out alive. Are you going to ask the fireman to pay for damage? LOL.

  9. The Police were quite within their rights to break the window if they feared for the safety of the child.

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