
A large vehicle driven conservatively can better the fuel economy of a small car driven aggressively?

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For example: A Ford Falcon and a Mazda Astina?

And overall, who do you believe is more inclined to drive to conserve fuel when prices are high?




  1. the person with not thta much money would conserve.

  2. Your driving habits affect you fuel consumption quite a bit.  Properly inflated tires, no hard braking or fast acceleration can lead to a much higher mpg no matter what vehicle you are driving.  Of course this can only go so far as the vehicle will allow.   As far as who is more inclined to conserve fuel when prices are high I believe it is the people least able to afford the fuel.

  3. smaller cars driven slowly would be alot better

  4. you can't significantly improve on the epa listed mileage.

    if you're in the city, you're going to have to stop when traffic in front of you does.

    if you're on the highway, you can go 50-55 which helps.

    but this question is more about how badly can one drive the small car.

    clearly, if you really try, you can get waste gas.

    and there will be a few kids who'll do that.

    but i think that simply driving "aggressively" won't do it.

    i think you really have to try.

    as to who'll conserve, lots of folks.

    i don't think i can come up with specifics.

    older folks generally already drive conservatively.

    i just think there are a lot of folks who notice the numbers on the gas pump, and will be a little more careful.

    maybe the biggest change will be in the cars we buy.

    there are big SUVs and trucks on dealer lots getting moldy.

    that's where the biggest change will be.

  5. Yes, someone who drives the big car in high gear, at the speed limit and anticipating traffic conditions could very well use less fuel than the small car driver who always stays in low gear, floors it constantly and always speeds.

    Although unless the driver of the small car is a real hoon or has a high powered engine (say a turbo) they probably wouldn't be using more fuel than the large car driver.

    Usually the cars that seem to be driven the most aggressively are the higher power sports models, whether they are XR6's or WRX's (which I pretty much only ever see when they are overtaking me while I'm on the speed limit).

    Also older small cars (with carburettored engines) may use more fuel on short trips than newer large cars (with fuel injected engines) due to much lower efficiency of the older engines when cold regardless of how they are driven (although smaller engines with electric fans tend to warm up faster than larger engines with engine driven fans).

  6. There are a myriad of factors that affect fuel economy.  Some large cars will not get good mileage regardless of how they are driven.  Driving a small car aggressivly will significantly lower its fuel economy -- but how much depends upon the car.  

    The most extreme examples are trucks and large SUVs which will never get good fuel economy (<< 20 mpg many <<15 mpg) as compaired to such things as a Toyota Prius which when driven agressively will get as low as mid 20s mpg but driven conservaively can get 40+ mpg.

    Who is more inclined to drive to conserve.. is hard to say.  I have begun driving more conservatively with high fuel prices and I have seen all types of people pass me.. from well off with expensive cars and large SUVs to small beat up cars.. so who is more likely.. intelligent and caring people..

  7. Well a car which is smaller can easily use more fuel than a car that is larger which is driven conservatively.

    The car driven more aggressively will be using a lot more fuel, and the more fuel it uses could be similar to that of the model which is driven conservatively, if not more.

    If you are worried about fuel prices, why don't you just make your own fuel.

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