
A legal question...?

by  |  earlier

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So let's say, hyopthetically, that my girlfriend and I were low on cash. Let's imagine, shall we, that we were to record a sextape to sell for said cash. However, the catch is--er, would be if this were a real situation--that we are both minors. Can we be charged with child pornography if we're the "children"? (We're 17)




  1. Yes. I wouldn't recommend doing this. No one will buy your tape without first ensuring you're both over eighteen. They don't want to be charged with possession of child pornography. And honestly, there's so much professionally filmed and staged pornography out there that--barring one of you being a celebrity--you're unlikely to get anyone to buy it in the first place.

    I remember reading about a case in one of the Bible Belt states, where a teenage boy stole his father's Playboy and showed it to other kids on the school bus. He was caught and labeled a s*x offender under Megan's Law (for showing pornography to children). He wasn't even allowed to attend church.

  2. you would be also charged for underage s*x/abuse and i thought it was illegal to sell sextapes...?right?  

  3. Sell them underground.
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