
A lesson before dying questions chapter 6 please help me...?

by  |  earlier

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1. Where has Grant gone?

2. Why does Edna make Grant rach in order to shake hands?

3.How did Grant act that was insulting to the white men?

4.Who said the following and why? " He ain't betting 'gainst you. He aint' betting on you neither

5.Who said the following and why? "Whether I should act like the teacher that i was, or like the ****** that i was supposed to be."

6.Who said the following and why? "i was supposed to have said ' don't.' i was being too smart.

7.Who said the following and why? " i was quiet. i knew when to be quiet.




  1. 1. Where has Grant gone?

    To his home

    2. Why does Edna make Grant rach in order to shake hands?

    Because  Grant was kind of dirty

    3.How did Grant act that was insulting to the white men?

    He told them who he was supporting for president.

    4.Who said the following and why? " He ain't betting 'gainst you. He aint' betting on you neither

    Grant, when talking about his pops.

    5.Who said the following and why? "Whether I should act like the teacher that i was, or like the ****** that i was supposed to be."

    Grant, explaining his dilemma.

    6.Who said the following and why? "i was supposed to have said ' don't.' i was being too smart.

    Grant, on why he didn't want seconds.

    7.Who said the following and why? " i was quiet. i knew when to be quiet.

    Grant, explain why he did not bid on the painting.

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