
A lesson before dying: why do miss emma and tante lou go to the sheriff's wife with their request?

by  |  earlier

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instead of the sheriff himself?

i need help with this question that i have for my english class.

please help ASAP!!!!

i'll give best answer to the 1st decent answer that actually makes sense.

please and thank you!! =]




  1. Hi, Darlin'.  I haven't read A Lesson Before Dying, but found plenty of information on it for you at the following source.  I hope this helps you.

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!!


    I went back and read through what Wikipedia had listed about this book.  The conclusion I've come to is this:  There are times a man's wife can woo him and talk him into doing things that he really doesn't want to do, or get involved in situations where he'd rather have no say...they sweet talk them and get them to see another viewpoint to the situation at hand.  There are instances when a man will outright say, No!  I don't want to be a part of it!  I don't want to hear about it!  ...  but put a bug in his wife's ear, talk to her heart, and she'll 9 times out of 10 be able to sway her husband.  

    I may be wrong, and can't say this is the definite reason.  All I can tell you is what I've gathered from the story and from instances in my own marriage.  Hubby may say no to an outsider, but in my own time and way, I may be able to shed light on the situation, wear his heart down and get him to change his mind and soften him to whatever the situation or problem.

    Again, I hope this has helped you.  Good luck, Hon!

  2. omg i had to read that for summer reading too !

    well i think its probably because the sheriff's wife could relate to them more and like they've already asked quite a lot out of the sheriff and back then women were still below men so yeahh that would be my best guess !



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