
A letter to Roy Hodgson - Liverpool F.C fan – Part 2

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In all those years I have been supporting Liverpool – which is over a decade now –I have not seen my beloved Liverpool put such embarrassing and shambolic performances week in and week out, in particularly away from home.
I have seen the current Liverpool team bullied and over run by teams finding their feet in the Premier league and by players who are still absorbing the fact that they are actually playing at the highest level.
On Saturday, I along with millions of other Reds, were hoping against hope that our team can cling on to a 1-1 draw against a newly promoted side – says a lot about how far we have come under you, Sir.
As clock ticked by, our team sunk deeper and deeper in to our own half, inviting pressure and wishing that Newcastle somehow fail to score again. It all looked too familiar as this is the way we have been playing this season under you. As the game approached the 75th minute mark, I rang up my mate and said “I hope it stays at 1-1, even though I fear that it would end at either 2-1 or 3-1 to Newcastle”.
My friend did not fill me be with any optimism, as his fears were put in words by me. I want to get this point across that I am not any fortune-teller or any soothsayer but if I, an average football man, can see the obvious, then why on earth can you not see it?
You wait till the 70 minute to make any substitutions; no matter how poorly the players you sent out initially, are performing. On Saturday, you were forced to make one substitution around the 70 minute mark. What next? We wait until the game is out of sight to make another change.
I am sorry to say but your tactics away from home hardly make any sense. The team you put out bodes mediocrity and your body language on the touch line, is annoying to the point that one feels like eating their own fingers.
And yes, I have a question too, what is with your hand on mouth stance for more than 80 minutes of the match? Add to that the face scratching exercise during the last part of the game when there is nothing left to do.
I still can’t get over the fact that you hardly do anything during the whole 90 minutes. If you can explain your reactions – the two I have mentioned above – when your team is being battered by the opposition; the Red’s fans can at least know what you are thinking when it happens next time around.
You radiate negativity from the bench; our players are looking at you with question marks all over their faces. The team seems deprived of any direction when losing towards the end. They have no clue what to do, there isn’t a plan B.
You stand on the touch line, wrapped up in your own thoughts thinking ‘what do I do next?’ You look like a man desperately out of ideas and completely out of his depth. I am now through the stage of utter frustration. I have lost all hope and the level of annoyance that I have reached is in truth unknown to the world today.
I am not sure if you will ever come across this letter, but if you do I request you to resign the post that you are not qualified to fill in. It was a mistake made by the previous regime and if you can do the honourable thing of leaving and let a man, who is capable of managing the most successful English club, get this job, then you can salvage some pride.
One thing is for certain, in case you realise the ground reality and decide to quit, you will have no shortage of suitors’. You will do brilliantly at a club where mediocrity is considered acceptable and where the fans can stand a 7% away win success rate.
Just like on Saturday, I am hoping against hope, that my letter reaches you and you accept my humble request.
Soon to be crazy, Lifelong Liverpool fan. 
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely of the writer’s. They do not reflect’s official editorial policy.



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