
A letter to someone who hates me?

by  |  earlier

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Dear Sinner, is it really so much fun?

To cast your vows upon me and make me feel undone.

Like a bad puff of smoke which captures your lungs,

You think to yourself, there has to be more...

Dear Sinner what does it truely mean?

To think your in love, and that nothings as it seems,

I've walked down such a long road following street signs,

But to my surprise I have not moved an inch in this life.

Dear Sinner, for 19 years I walked this earth,

So tell me why you now decide to make amends.

The father, Son, the Holy ghost they rapture my soul,

With a kiss and a flatter of eyelids, I lose control.

Dear Sinner, I've used up my time tonight,

I've been casting off shadows into the night,

The moon is low enough to create a scene,

So, so long, farewell, I hope you hate who you've been.

Tell me what your opinions are please...thanks




  1. If I knew that someone hated me, I sure wouldn't waste my time writing them a letter. much less a poem.  It makes you look silly in my opinion.  If you sent that to me, I'd laugh at you.  By the way, aren't we all sinners?  Sorry if I seem cruel, but I'm just trying to let you see how a person who hates you would think before you do something you might ultimately regret.  My advice, for what it's worth,,, Don't send a letter and especially not a poem to a person who hates you.

  2. It is really good stuff. You are definitely a poet. But as far as sending letters to people who hate you, why bother.

  3. Not bad

  4. I like the first three stanzas .the fourth you've stretched yourself too much. rewrite the fourth or delete it

  5. Very well written!

  6. Dear Sinner what does it truely mean?


    To think your in love, and that nothings as it seems,

    you're, nothing is

    So, so long, farewell, I hope you hate who you've been.

    Sounds better if you take out the first "so"

    other than that, it's pretty good

    but personally, I wouldn't waste time writing a letter to somebody who hates me.  just ignore them... and saying you hope they hate himself/herself, doesn't make you much of a better person.  fyi.

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