
A levels - Physics, Maths,____,_____ Help me want to be an engineer ?

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what should i choose?




  1. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, etc The list goes on and on.

    Choose where your interest is and you'll be great.

  2. What sort of engineering do you want to do?

    ♦   Chemical Engineering

    ♦   Civil Engineering

    ♦   Electrical / Electronic Engineering

    ♦   Marine Engineering

    ♦   Mechanical Engineering

    Have a look at the entrance requirements for some universities. Physics & maths should be OK for most, but you might want to consider chemistry or computer sciences.

  3. If you want to be an engineer, I suggest you find out what an engineer does.  By doing that, you should be able to decide one what courses you need yourself.  There are too many people going in a direction when they have no idea what it is.  This is one of the main reason for the rate of degree changing in university.

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