
A life that was constantly happy was NOT a good life ? Why ?

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Pls provide some examples. I will provide BA.




  1. Because when you acted happy you had to shove true feelings deep inside to a point where you feel like a doormat.  I was like that when I was younger.  Always sacrificing myself to make others happy and let them take advantage of me.  At the magic age of 25 I decided I wasn't going to be Ms. Nice Gal anymore.  I left my stupid husband, changed my career, burned bridges with people who didn't give a hoot about me and for 5 years was a super b-word.  I did a flip side and mellowed at 30.  September 12 I will be 45 and I finally have a balance of emotions with the help of anger management classes.  I try to keep my passive-aggressive and aggressive side in check.  I learned about healthy assertiveness.

  2. There has to be a balance and  moderation in everything. One has to experience things good and bad to grow.  I don't think you can ever be constantly happy. IF however you are positive you will be far happier than a negative person ever would be. Basically I have realized that in life everything depends on one thing and that is CHOICE. Choice is the only freedom we have and if we choose bad things we will reap destruction if we choose good things and positive things we can only but reap more of the same. Happiness is a state of mind and depending on circumstances, is attainable or unattainable. Its all about choices!

  3. Without challenges along the way, people don't grow. They don't grow emotionally, or intellectually, or on many other levels. It is persevering through the difficult times that allow us to appreciate the better times. Or, if you want to call it, the "happy" times. Life is about growing through the trials and tribulations - the difficulties. Shouting out loud, "I did it!" when you've overcome a major obstacle or hurdle.

    I think I've provided you with the information, and you can fill in the examples.

  4. Because having a happy life is not all there is to living...I hate to bring out the old protestant work ethic, but in order to enjoy life you must have a a job, family, hobbies, etc. The precious thing about life is that it is not permanent..if it were , it would lose its meaning.

    BTW Can you imagine how boring Heaven would be were it to exist?

    This is why I am an atheist...

  5. because you need ups and downs in life, its healthy  

  6. You need to experience the downs, sporadically, so you can be truly happy with the ups.

    When I'm happy for long periods of time, my creative urges are weakened and that makes me unhappy.

    When I'm sad for long periods of time i try to commit suicide.

  7. Because if you were always happy, then you would not be able to call yourself "happy" since happiness is a relative term- you would think that what you were experiencing was completely normal and that there was no other way of life.

    It's sad but true. Those who think an utopia would be free from any pain or suffering at all are mistaken. Without those less fortunate than us to keep our own lifes in perspective, we'd be hopelessly spoiled.

    Like already pointed out- life needs its ups and downs for it to be a healthy life.

  8. because you wouldn't know that you were really happy without knowing what unhappiness was. you have to have both to appreciate the happy.

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