
A light white figure in my room this morning...I know it wasn't an ordinary spirit..What was it?

by  |  earlier

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Well Since i'm sick I had to wake up around 3 in the morning to get up and go to the bathroom. While laying in my bed I glanced toward my door and saw a white figure (not really the shape of a body, but kind of a wide straight figure). I simply got up thinking I was just seeing things and moved my way towards the door.

When i got to the door I tripped over something and glanced at the floor to see what it was. Down at my feet I saw a really light white light sitting there. I know for a fact that it wasn't a light in my room, because during the night I make my room as dark as possible, by shutting off all things that make lights..and since my house has alot of property, we don't have neighbors to give off house light.

I know that this wasn't an ordinary ghost, because I've seen alot of those! For some reason this one was different, because it didn't give me a fear of happiness but a good feeling.

Any ideas what this was?




  1. I know that when I am sick and trying to sleep, I have really strange dreams. Your experience here, like the vast majority of paranormal experiences reported here on Yahoo Answers, occurred during the sleeping hours.  The reason why there is such a strong correlation between sleeping and paranormal experiences is simply the fact that the subconscious mind can have vivid dreams, and the semi-subconscious mind can have dreams that respond to external stimuli since part of the brain is conscious and aware. It's very likely that you simply went back to sleep after going to the bathroom and had some strange dreams. Also, the moon was nearly full last night and the moonlight may have been reflecting off something on the floor. You may have seen that or dreamed about it later.

    If you don't find this explanation satisfactory, I'd encourage you to do a little investigating. If you have a camcorder, you can use it to record what's going on in your room while you're sleeping. Have a digital camera (flash off) ready by your bedside so you can grab it and click off a few photos if this happens again. Make sure your curtains/blinds are completely shut to eliminate any light coming in through the window.

  2. maybe it was your guardian angel?

    We all have one, I think.

  3. When you enter REM sleep your body releases chemicals into your brain that cause you to experience dreaming and all effects associated with dreaming,  one of these chemicals is DMT which is released in minute quantities but has a very powerful hallucengenic effect.  it is the reason why dreams seem to last so long when they actually only last a few minutes.  Sometimes a stimulus wakes you up from this state prematurely, in this case having to go the bathroom, and the chemical effects are still being processed by the brain.  Have you ever woken up and not been able to move?  same thing, its just the fact your body is still under the influence of the chemicals released in you r brain from REM sleep and they tend to play tricks on your mind and body.  So, what Im trying to say is you didnt see a ghost, merely the residual effects of chemicals that are naturally released in your brain,  people experience this all the time and its why the experiences are all similar, they are under the effect of the same phenomenon,

  4. You're sick (perhaps on medication?) and think you saw something in the middle of the night right after you woke up.  Hmmm.

  5. I have been told by a lot of people that that is what fairies look like to them.

    I personally have also seen angels that look similar to what you are describing as well.

    But it could really be almost anything.

    I would recommend that you focus on what you are feeling when you see it. Do you feel peaceful? Apprehensive? delighted? Scared?

    How you feel is the first step in identifying what it is.

    Next if you can, try to focus on it and clear you mind so you can really see it the way it is. Maybe even try talking to it. If its a spirit or entity it will likely answer you.

    I hope that helps. :)

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