
A list of abbreviations please!?

by  |  earlier

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can someone send me a list of all the abbreviations used!! im having trouble following all of them! thanks!




  1. this link has all the abb. you'll see here and then some!

  2. lol- laugh out loud

    omg- oh my god

    lmao- laugh my *** off

    ttyl- talk to you later

    ...theres a bunch more!!  


  4. af-aunt flo, period

    bfp-big fat positive

    bfn-big fat negative

    bd-baby dance, s*x

    ewcm-egg white cervical mucus

    cm-cervical mucus

    hpt-home pregnancy test

    opk-ovulation predictor kit

    dpo-days past ovulation

  5. ttc= trying to concieve

    us= ultrasound

    cant think of others. if you know which ones, post and i will try to help you

  6. Hello!  Check out this site:

    I've found it to be very helpful.  Don't know if it's cut down on the amount of time I spend thinking about all this TTC stuff, but I'd like to think so!

    Good luck to you!

  7. Try  these websites not sure exactly what abbreviations you are looking for.

  8. Here is a long list from (I highly recommend the site :)  Best of luck to you!

    AAMOF - As a Matter of Fact

    Admin - Administrator/Administration

    AF - Aunt Flo(Period)

    AFAIK - As Far as I Know

    AFNW - Aunt Flo not wanted

    AFK - Away from keyboard

    AP - Attachment Parenting

    ASAP - As Soon as Possible

    BBs - b*****s, Boobies

    BBIAM - Be back in a minute

    BBL - Be back later

    BBT - Basal Body Thermometer/Temperature

    BCP - Birth Control Pills

    BD - Baby Dance(Have s*x, Make love)

    BF - Boyfriend

    BFing - Breastfeeding

    BFIP - Breast feeding in public

    BH/BHC - Braxton Hicks Contractions

    BFN - Big fat negative(Pregnancy Test)

    BFP - Big fat positive(Pregnancy Test)

    BIL - Brother in law

    BM - Bowel Movement, Breast Milk, Birth Mother

    BMS - Baby making s*x

    BRB - Be right back

    BRBGP - Be right back gotta pee

    BTDT - Been there done that

    BTW - By the way

    CAF - Create a family

    CB - Cycle Buddy

    CD - Cycle Day

    CF - Cervical Fluid

    CL - Cervical Luteum

    CM - Cervical Mucus

    CP - Cervical Position

    CY - Cycle

    CYA - See ya

    DA - Dear/Darling Angel(Miscarried Baby)

    DB - Dear/Darling Boyfriend

    DD - Dear/Darling Daughter

    DF - Dear/Darling Fiance

    DH - Dear/Darling Husband

    DI - Donor Insemination

    DP - "Dancing" Partner; Spouse or Significant other

    DPO - Days past Ovulation

    DS - Dear/Darling Son

    DSD - Dear/Darling Step Daughter

    DSS - Dear/Darling Step Son

    DTD - Doing The Dance/Deed; s*x

    DW - Dear/Darling Wife

    EBM - Expressed Breastmilk

    EDD - Estimated Due Date

    EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucus

    F2F - Face to Face(In person)

    FFing - Formula Feeding

    FIL - Father in law

    FM - Fertility Monitor

    FMU - First Morning Urine

    FTR - For the Record

    FTTA - Fertile Thoughts To All

    FWIW - For what it's worth

    HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(Pregnancy Horomone)

    HPT - Home Pregnancy Test

    HTH - Happy to help/hope that helps

    IF - Infertility

    IMO - In my opinion

    IMHO - In my humble/honest opinion

    IMNSHO - In my not so humble/honest opinion

    IUI - Intra Unterine Insemination

    IVF - In Vitro Fertilization

    IYD - In Your Dreams

    J/K - Just kidding

    JMO - Just my opinion

    JMHO - Just my honest opinion

    KWIM - Know what I mean

    L8R - Later

    L&D - Labor and Delivery

    LAM - Lactational Amorhea

    LH - Luteinizing Horomone

    LMP - Last Menstrual Period

    LMAO - Laughing my *** off

    LOL - Laugh out loud

    LP - Luteal Phase

    M/C - Miscarriage

    MIA - Missing in action

    MIL - Mother In Law

    ML - Make Love

    MOD - Moderator

    MOTW - Member of the week

    MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

    M/S - Morning Sickness

    NAK - Nursing at keyboard

    NIP - Nursing In Public

    O - Ovulation

    OIC - Oh I see

    OMG - Oh my god

    OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit

    OT - Off topic

    OTOH - On the other hand

    PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

    PG, Preg, Preggo - Pregnant

    PITA - Pain in the ***

    PL/PTL - Pre-term Labor

    PP - Placenta Previa

    PPD - Post-Partum Depression

    Pre-O - Pre-ovulation

    RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist

    ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing

    ROFLMAO - Rolling on floor laughing my *** off

    SA - s***n Analysis

    SAHM - Stay at home mom

    SIL - Sister in law

    SNS - Supplemental Nursing System

    SO - Significant Other

    TAC - Thinking about conceiving

    TIA - Thanks in advance

    TMI - Too much informatio!

    TSN - The Stork's Nest

    TOH - Typing one handed

    TTC - Trying to conceive

    TTFN - Ta-ta for now

    TTYL - Talk to you later

    TYT - Take your time

    U/S - Ultrasound

    WAHM - Work at home mom

    WOHM - Work outside the home mom

    WW - Weeks waiting

    XH/XW - Ex-husband/Ex-Wife

  9. well if you're talking about msn abbreviations then:

    lol=laugh out loud

    lmao=laughing my *** off

    pmsl=pissing myself laughing

    ttyl=talk to you later

    tc=take care

    tt4n=tata for now

    idc=i dont care

    wth=what the h**l

    wtf=what the f**k

    rofl=rolling on floor laughing

    gtg= got to go

    hru=how are you

    ima=im going to/im gonna

    ty=thank you

    tyvm=thank you very much


    idgaf= i don't give a f**k

    brb= be right back

    omg=oh my god

    fyi= for your information

    wb=welcome back

    and yeah...thats all i can think of....but im pretty sure there is more.

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