
A little Paredolia for ya?

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Does anyone have any first had experience with Paredolia? Paredolia is where the brain sees faces or images in patterns.

(faces in clouds, trees, wood grain, seeing jesus on a piece of toast)

I am not talking about casual paredolia.. I am talking about extreme paredolia.

For a while I had it really strongly. It was to the point where all I would see would be faces in patterns.. sometimes photo-realistic. The strange thing is that over time I even gained the ability to change the image.

The quesiton I have is:

Has anyone ever had a case of paredolia? If you have not experienced it but know what is it.. can you provide a good explanation for it?




  1. The explaination is the human learns (partially innately) to look for human faces, and recognises the pattern/prototype (it's one of our most important and strongest prototypes). The pattern, really is just two dark dots, a dot in the middle, and a line (eyes, nose, mouth). Extreme cases could be caused by over-sensitive neurons (low threshold) in the fusiform face area. That's what causes the sensation of recognising a face.

  2. I Always have that, but didn't know there was a name for it...

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