
A little advice please?

by Guest62493  |  earlier

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Alright look, I do not want a girlfriend becuase I do not want to EVER get married. I don't mind having girls for friend, I like to be nice and friendly to everybody. O and i am 16 years old.

Anyway what do I do, if I a girl is constantly staring at me or trying to get my attention in little ways like cuting out in front of me. She will never come and talk to me,

I just feel like I am always being heavily watched.

what should I do? what is going on? I like to be nice to everybody but should I keep ignoring?




  1. go up to her and get to know and just show her that all you want right now is a friend not a girlfriend in your life! someday you could get married because i don't think that you want to spend your life without someone there with you right? so take chances with girls and maybe someone will catch your eyes and you may change your mind about not getting married because you are still only 15 year-old and you have a long ways to go to decide on if you want a girl or not..

  2. lol. When you get older, you'll be a rich guy.

    Just teller her the truth. Say that i'm not looking to be in a relationship, but we could be friends. Or you could always lie (don't do this). You could say you already have a girlfriend even though you do not.She should stop bothering you.

    As for the part where it say additional details.

    sorry don't have an answer or advice.  

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