
A little confusion on Poland's decision to host American patriot missiles?

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America says they are being placed in response to Iran's and north Korea's future nuclear threat to America and Israel. Well as they only have a range of 100kms how will this help America or Israel?

just a thought.




  1. The shield is supposed to protect eastern Europe from the Middle East which is right below it.  

  2. it snot it ios to counter Russian missles but......we need them there it is a good move on Poland's part because now the US is deeply inbeded in there and they would be backed by the US now so they probly seen what was happening to Georgia and made the decsion

  3. They're interceptors; that means they only need to go far enough to hit a missile coming into Poland.  Iran and North Korea have missiles which can reach Poland and other American allies (including Israel).  Unlike some countries I could mention, the US considers the safety of its allies as well as its own.


  5. I don't know.  Pull them out.  I don't want to pay for them anyway and I'm sick to death you nonAmericans babbling about them.  We should only protect Americans.  Let's pull those military protections we have in the UK out as well.

  6. It will balance things out because the unpatriotic pinhead Obama is rumoured to be trying to give Russia, Iran, North Korea etc. expensive missiles & missile shields if he becomes president.

  7. well i heard on news its poland trying to modernize there military and america is helping, but if this is true, if you saw irans picture of the time glass it shows israel falling while America and UN have already fell meaning there first so. Say a missle was fired from iran the missle has to launch and will probably go to europe and america first, so it will head west and poland is pretty much the middle country of europe so it can blow the missles up from its location no matter what europe country they fire at, also iran is not believed to have the capabilities of launching a missle all the way to america yet

  8. There will be a h**l of allot more than missiles in Poland when it is all said and done, including some American nukes. Let's hope this takes place like yesterday. Russia is the purpose of this and everyone knows it but we need to tell a story to get them in there and I sure am glad that it's finally taking place as the World is finding out now right before our eyes that Russia has not changed and if anything is more dangerous than ever to Europe and the rest of the free World.

  9. 1. They aren't Patriot Missiles.

    2. America "says" no such thing.

    These are designed to hit ballistic missiles coming out of southwest Asia headed for Europe.

  10. That thing is really for Russia. No matter what you hear, it is to make the Russians chill out.

    Why would Iran launch missiles at Europe or the US? They cant be that dumb. They would get squashed with the quickness. And plus, the US and Israel wouldnt even let them build the nuke in the first place, doing so would amount to an absolute failure in all our efforts to stop their program.

  11. Well you heard a word baloney before have you if so it is a bit of that

  12. it just helps america and israel to justify themselves.don't trust either of them. they will between them end the world.

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