
A little good come back?

by  |  earlier

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I would like a come back for what this boy said to me.

I am having a writers block at the moment and i would like some ideas.

And before i said to him He always acting all scene and changing it was getting on my nerves. i told him to get over him self. And stop trying to be someone your not

Here its is.

(no mean comments keep it to your self.)

"you know what who are you to tell me you to tell meh who i am.

You dont mew ****.

This is me and yeah i made change but change is good cause it teaches you to let go.

ur always trying to hold on to stuff that you cant.

Things change and theres nothing you can do.

im not scene emo or preppy im just me so get over it."




  1. Can someone please translate this into English?  It sort of looks like English, but it clearly isn't, as it makes no sense whatsoever.

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