
A little help from all the Mum's out there please?

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My 10 month old little man sits up unaided, and all is well,

However every now and then he "flings" himself backwards and of course hurts himself when we don't manage to catch him.

Is this a "normal" baby thing and what can we do about it?




  1. LOL my little boy went through a stage of doing this all the time, its totally normal he thought it was sooo funny, apart from when he hit his head, try to catch him or make sure there's cushions round him but if he does hit his head as long as its not on a sharp corner or anything he'll be fine once my son hit his head a few times he realised not to do it, if he does bang his head give him a cuddle but tell him that thats what happens when you fling yourself back so don't do it.

    Little boys seem to be quite fearless just wait till he's like my 17month old and running everywhere and climbing everything it seems all I say all day is 'no' and 'be careful' but they are sturdier than you think.

  2. this is the age when they start learning cause and effect...when he sits up place a pillow behind him so when he does fling himself he is landing on the pillow...

  3. it is a tantrum. just put a pillow behind him when you allow him to sit up.

  4. oh it's normal all right!  my son still does it sometimes, and he's 1!  i just chalked it up to he figured out how to do it himself and was proud of himself and he wanted to try it again!  there isn't really much you can do about it because he doesn't understand why it hurts.  think about it...he's laying on the floor with his head on the floor, and he's fine!  but when he throws his head on the's on the floor like it was before, but this time it hurts.  he doesn't make the connection yet.  i don't know if you have them by you, but in the US we have these big foam mats.  i pretty much "carpeted" my living room with them because we have hardwood floors and it REALLY hurt when he did that.  but the foam serves as  a good pad.  it doesn't prevent all the pain, but it takes care of most of it!  the pads help when he starts cruising around and deciding he can stand on his own too!  they prevented MANY bruises on my son!

  5. Yes, although not all children do it, some do and it's so frusterating.

  6. Its normal.  Part of his development.  My son did that too.

  7. Its normal.. just put something soft and fluffy behind the baby :)

  8. Perfectly normal hun, my 16 month old still throws himself backwards sometimes! I blame Iggle piggle!!

  9. i ve heard babies not strong enough to hurt themselves seriously  if they bang their head on purpose or flings themsleves backwards. dont worry . he is just a baby growing up trying new things. lol

  10. buy one of those donught things you can sit them in, you can buy them in argos

  11. Have some soft cushions on the floor around or soft matting

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