
A little help here, what does this mean?

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i had the most disturbing dream of my life the other night and i dont get what it was trying to tell me. here it is;; i was having a sleepover with my best friend, kate, my two other friends brooke and kelly and my boyfriend justin. we decided we wanted to sneak out of the house. well when we snuck out we got caught on my front lawn by these security guards. they escorted us back into the house. after that we tried to sneak out again. this time me, kelly, and brooke went in my car and justin and kate sat on the curb in front of my house. as kelly, brooke, and i were pulling out of my driveway, we saw a truck coming down the road. kelly and i screamed at the same time but it was too late. the truck hit justin and kate. we got out of the car and ran over to the truck. the truck was loaded with wood and kelly began looking through the slits to see if maybe they got stuck between them. i went with brooke to the back of the truck and there was a kids wagon attached. i moved the wagon and..




  1. To tell the truth i honestly think you dont trust kate. As in maybe you think she doesnt really care about your relationship with justin. Or maybe she wants him. And im not saying that you are wrong for thinking that, but that is what i believe. I think you should start thinking about how u truly feel about this kate girl. And i hope you figure it out. :)

  2. I think this means that you should stop eating Double Stuff Oreos and drinking Mountain Dew just before bedtime

  3. Woah girl! I do not want Justin, and I definitely care about this relationship. I just want B to be happy.  As I said before, I think the truck represents the hurdles you have to overcome in your relationships, and the fact that justin died, means the relationship might eventually die, but Ill always be around. The fact that I was mean, probably means you were mad at me or you think that I dont care about your relationship.  But I do. And you need to relax and dont worry, it was just a dream.  mabey you were drinking too much soda before bed lol. Oh and the security guards represent your crazyass grandmother who wont let you leave the house. love you.

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