
A little help here please?

by  |  earlier

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Can ANYONE please tell me if it's too late to pick Hillary for my V.P?

What are the rules governing this?




  1. It;s ok to admit your mistakes and take corrective actions

  2. Obama S**t all over Hilary and her supporters.  You want her in office? Vote McCain 08 Hilary 12.

  3. That's a good question, cause I don't think anybody ever changed mates before.  I know you wish you could just go back in time for a coupla minutes.

  4. Yeah dude, it's way too late.

    The dems need to work on their image with minorities and women.  It really took a beating this election.

  5. Hillary is going to be be in the White House just not the President.

  6. wat

  7. Yep! You blew it!

  8. No, NOBODY.

  9. What are you running for?

    Oh, I get it, you're pretending you're Obama.

    Lame, very lame.

  10. I'm not sure about that.

    Did everyone know she is still on the ballot, for Nov.4

  11. Sorry  but .....I have already seen bumper stickers saying

    " Obama's chances are palin' since McCain picked Palin "


    " Obama = No Brain

      Biden = 1/2 Brain

    Together they make a half-wit "

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