
A little help on what to do.?

by  |  earlier

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Well, this is my situation. I have a 5 month old daughter and her father and I are planning on splitting up. We have tried working on our relationship, we've been trying since right after I found out I was pregnant.

Anyways, I gave my boyfriend the choice. I told him, he could decide if he wanted us to stay or go, of course, he said he didn't want her to leave, but she'll have to if I do. Well, he decided and said he'd be happier if I left and I'm really okay with it. I'm actually a little excited to go somewhere different and have different opportunities, because I'll have a lot more help when I get there.

Now, since deciding, he just told his dad today that she and I would be leaving, he also hold one of his friends. I've always been close with his family and I'm afraid they're going to be mad at me for leaving and as much as I don't like to admit this, they sometimes make me not want to leave because they really love my daughter. My question really is should I let them influence me on staying? Where I'm moving there isn't much, but I'll be able to start school because it's where my mom lives, as opposed to not being able to go to school here, since I have no one to watch her and daycare is close to 175 a week+ over here. I was feeling really confident in my choice, but now when I think about them being angry with me for leaving, I get a little discouraged. I guess it's a mixture of me being afraid to be alone for the first time without my boyfriend, but me also wanting to be free and able to start making my life go in a great direction. I'm not looking for the golden answer and I'm also not looking for anyone to bash me about my daughter and I leaving. I've tried to make it work, but it hasn't and I really doubt it will, I just want some opinions, some ideas something other than people I know, who'll be biased.




  1. Have your bf parents actually said anything to you about leaving?   If not, then leave well enough alone.   You are taking the right step to take care of your daughter by going school and being able to support her.   Don't forget that your bf needs to pay child support, too.

    Since you made the decision to have a child, she is your primary responsibility and you need to plan a future for you both.   Get going.

  2. you have to do what is best for you and your daughter, if that means staying with your mom so you can go back to school, then dont let anyone hold you back, from the sounds of it you already made the right decision, to go,dont let his family possibly being mad stop you from doing what could possibly the best thing in your life. if they are that worried about it, then set up visitations, like a week in the summer or something...

  3. What can you do to make sure that your daughter and her grandparents stay in touch with each other.  My bet is they can accept your leaving their son but find it difficult to lose their grandchildren.

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