
A little help please!!!???

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how long would it take a woman to get pregnant after stopping birth control. say if you been off it since sunday and have been having unprotected s*x since sunday. what are the chances of becoming pregnant then on? ps i was only on bc for a month

*dont worry im in my 20's and married




  1. The last two times I've been pregnant, I've gotten pregnant within 2 weeks of quitting my pill.  And it's not like I'm all that "fertile" because before I went on the pill it took me 2 years to conceive my first child, and almost 4 years to conceive my 2ND.  I went on the pill after my 2nd child, then went off it thinking it would  take me a couple years to have the 3rd, and like I said, within 2 wks I was pregnant!  Same thing w/my 4th child!

  2. It all depends on your last period. A women is most likely to become pregnant right before or right after her period because that  is when you are more fertile. I suggest you get a pregnancy test in about 2-3 weeks just to make sure...

  3. VERY HIGH! Your hormones no longer are getting signals from the pill to tell your body not to release a egg. So even after one day of not takin your body might think its time to ovulate.

  4. It took me almost a year to get pregnant after I stop Birth Control..But I was on birth control for like 5 years..

    Try taking Prenatal Vitamins !

    Good Luck !

  5. I got pregnant less then 2 weeks after stopping the pill

  6. It can happen right away, but you probably should have a menstrual cycle first.

  7. it could be right away, or it could be years. It just depends on you and your husbands fertility and ur body.

  8. 34

  9. um u jus might be pregnant cuz u only took it for a month which iz not a long time but the longest time dat it would take iz bout 3 months that will give ur body time to know dat ur not on bc any more

  10. ....3-6 weeks...

  11. well i was on the depo for two yrs and got off of it and it took me three months to get prego but it all  depends on ur body it can happen right away or take a while and i got prego in three months cuz it was all out of my body and thats when i was suppost to go get my next shot so if you aask the doctor they can tell you by the birth control you were on

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