
A little monster on my hands?

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I think I have a little monster on my hands. My son is only 9 months old and if it doesn't go his way he gets pissed! He'll stretch his arms out straight and grit his teeth and scream! It's hilarious, but how do I break this habit? Does this mean it's only going to get worse? haha




  1. i would make sure you dont let him see you laughing, make sure u make a serious face to tell him your not kidding around when telling him not to touch/do something. also, i would get one of his favorite toys and be like "look what mommy has" that will make him forget you just told him not to do something. if you allow him to see you think he is funny then he wont listen to you, and later on it will become a serious problem.. my daughter does the same thing and i have to turn my head to laugh or smile, they are cute now, but its not cute when they get 3-5 years old!

  2. At 9 months old discipline is not a good idea. They are too young to understand the concept. They shouldn't be punished for needing to explore the world around them. This is how a baby learns by exploring. Nonetheless, you as the mommy want your baby to be safe. A 9 month old is too young to understand why they are being punished or told not to do something. REDIRECTION is your best parenting friend at this stage. This can work all the way into toddlerhood and beyond. Simply say "Johhny, you can't play with that. It's not for children. But you can play with this"  Then show him something that he can play with that's safe. Their little minds are easily distracted. And at this stage they want to be independent, doing everything for themselves. They also want to test limits. So when you just say "no" all the time, they begin to ignore you. They won't understand the reason behind your "no", as they don't think logically yet. So by showing them something else "they can play with" you are giving them a Positive instead of a Negative reaction.  

  3. It does not sound like she wants advice on how to "punish him". And that is not true anyway. If her 9 month old is doing something unsafe or that will hurt him, then he needs to know that is not acceptable. And there are ways to punish a baby, such as... if he is trying to climb on things, get into unsafe items etc... then she can firmly tell him... "no no!!!" and make a serious face and then maybe put him in a safer spot and then we he starts to throw a fit she can cross her arms and turn her back to him and show him she is ignoring his fit. They are a lot smarter than people thinks, it is okay to let your baby know what is wrong or right. You would NEVER EVER hit or scream at your baby, or shake it or do anything of that sort but it is okay to display that you are upset, and they will pick up on it.

    Young infants can learn that it hurts their mom to bite their nipple while breastfeeding by the mother displaying that she was not happy with what the child just did. And they learn.

    I am sure your baby will have his fits but most babies do. I have hardly seen a single baby that did not throw fits and the only way they learn is through disicpline.

  4. There is the saying it will get worse befor it gets better. But, i have been a Nanny for a longtime and it passes. It always does.  

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